What is Happening to Charity? - Jun 1st 2003 Watchtower
by Simon 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
That really is unbelievably two-faced don't you think?
I'll have to have a read.
This article does not recommend giving to any "worldly" charities. The point of the article is to be charitable to members of the congregation under the oversight of the elders, be charitable to the WT. Society and be charitable by preaching the good news....That's it!!!
Big Tex
What is Happening to Charity?
They were disfellowshipped at the same time as Faith and Hope.
Same old same old. They hold up examples of witnesses helping witnesses in times of need, but blatantly absent, of course, is ANY mention of helping anyone in need, which is the point of charity. Jesus did not discriminate or help only his followers, he even helped those who were supposed to be his enemies. Jesus went out of his way to make it clear that help should be offered to all in need, no matter who they were. A big whoop-di-do that witnesses claim to help their own - anyone can do that and it certainly is not noteworthy by any stretch of the immagination. Nice of them to take credit in a magazine for the actions of one local congregation for ONE woman who probably was leaving her whole estate to the society in the first place as if actions such as that are a common occurance. And of course there is the plug on the preacing work being a form of charity work at the end in order to absolve people of responsibility to help in a way that would really be of benefit to the community. They indict other charities by broadcasting the bad publicity in order to be able to boast about how much better they are and act as if they are completely above reproach for anything. Absolutely nauseating.
A brief summary:
(1) Giving to charity is usually good, but not everyone agrees
(2) Charities can misappropriate funds at times
(3) First-century Christians gave relief to each other, JW's do too (to those who meet their qualifications)
(4) The only form of giving that the WT Society recommends is the preaching work. In the end, nothing else really matters but luring people to THEIR organization.
"When it comes to organized charity, though, we need to be cautious as we evaluate the many appeals we receive...So it is the course of wisdom to examine the facts carefully."
I don't see this as a blanket condemnation of giving to charities other than JWs but only to make sure that if one decides to give to a charity that the money goes where it says it is intended to go.
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
Is this what they term 'food at the proper time'? Try feeding that load of crap to a hungry family and see how 'satisfied' they become.
Ghost of Esmeralda
UGH UGH UGH! Excuse me while I vomit!
In the past year, I have found my passion in life working with charities, but giving in a more hands on way than donating money. I know exactly what i'm donating, i coordinate dozens of volunteers, and we know exactly where, and to whom, our donations are going.
My JW mother clucks her tongue and says why should i "bother doing what i do for kids with cancer and other potentially deadly diseases, when the kingdom is the only real cure and 'most of them are going to die anyway', it's depressing. you should be giving them a real hope.' She saw a bunch of things in my livingroom, boxed up and waiting to be shipped to the hospitals and replied "someday these people are going to have to find someone else to sucker in to this.' to which I looked at her and replied "This drive was my idea." the only response I got was 'Oh."
They make it so easy on themselves, it's so simple to turn away from real need and isolate themselves from the opportunities everyone can have to give to others in a meaningful way. Yes, some charities misappropriate funds, so? Hmm. Don't some religions do that, too? I'm especially thinking now of one that owns real estate worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and still expects widows to make contributions out of their social security to buy the circuit overseer's wife a new hat, or for them to leave their houses to the society when they die instead of to their families. Sounds like misappropriation to me.
Thank you so much for posting that here. It's a good reminder why I left the rotting organization in the first place.
~essie's ghost
Please tell me these sons - a - bitches did not cite an example where the only people they helped in a flood were "fellow worshippers."
And does *anybody* now believe they opened the doors of the WBTS on 9-11 to freely care for fellow human beings?
This article has me in a rage!!!