Day three God created plants, 7 thousand years later day 4 he creates the Sun. So I guess plants can remain Popsicles for 7 thousand years then be thawed out and be perfectly fine.
Why the Bible cannot be the work of an all-wise God that epitomizes love.
by Island Man 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
@ Crazyguy...
Makes more sense to use literal 24 hour days at that point. :smirk:
Islan Man - " leaves us with a god who wrote a book with instructions that seem very, very, very similar to misogyny, but actually aren't. It leaves with a god who who wrote a book that very, very, very much seems like it supports slavery, but it doesn't. It leaves us with a god who wrote a book that very, very, very much seems like it condones genocide, but it doesn't, etc... What kind of god does that?"
Bipolar? Schizophrenic? Sociopath?
Brokeback Watchtower
The fictitious Yahweh has a huge shadow of denial as he can admit no wrong or evil coming from him, as in all his ways are always noble, good, and true,, which in turn brings about the same condition in those that worship and idolize him and see no wrong in what ever he does.
Brokeback Watchtower
Yahweh also is not very smart he gets sucker in to bets by Satan to turn on his own faithful worshippers slapping Job in the face verbally with threats and shows of power and lack of repsoncibility, but as a after thought allows to keep living and regain wealth.
The Deity it seems has a real problem with pride and self importance which is definitely Narcissistic and not good for relationships with others no give and take with zero tollerance once tempers flare.
Not a God you want to reason with or try to make suggestions to,, kind of like the Governing Body who are running his earthly organization nobody can tell them anything which will eventually lead to their utter demise soon to be forgotten in history because nobody in the future gives a shit about a has been cult .