I was brought up so strictly that at 21 I still thought that I would go blind if I saw a naked woman. For me at 16 a blank message from a girl would probably have counted as sexting.
2018 Circuit Assemblies Talk Outlines
by wifibandit 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It is a provocative picture of him at the gym
"Hey babe, check me out! Look at how my sweat glistens on my pimples."
The law of Christ in simplest terms:
Prepare to be the perfect slave. Do not attempt to do anything about it. -
I think a more accurate scenario would have went like so:
The 2:30 part is about school. Demo about not sexting. Intro says, "**[A Witness teenager named Sarah and a non-Witness classmate named Olivia are standing and talking after school. The speaker explains that Sarah has just received a text with a picture from a boy at school. It is a provocative picture of him at the gym with his schlong out]**"
10:05 Symposium: Avoid Sowing to the Flesh
[Note: You may make minor adjustments to the script for naturalness. Participants may use their own names if
desired. Rehearse thoroughly so that the participants will be conversational, neither comical nor overly
dramatic. The Witness who offers counsel (Lauren) should avoid a self-righteous tone. Select participants
who are exemplary in their use of social media]
**[Two young adults named Lauren and Jennifer are discussing a blog that they both follow]**
Lauren: She covers a wide range of topics in her blog and always has a fresh view of things.
Jennifer: I follow that blog too, but a recent post really bothered me—it cast Jehovah’s Witnesses in a bad
light. A lot of the responses to the post were outright lies. I felt that I had to defend the truth.
Lauren: **[Surprised]** I didn’t see that post. What did you do?
Jennifer: I responded to the post and to several of the false statements.
Lauren: Oh.
Jennifer: **[Hesitates]** Uh, did I do something wrong?
Lauren: Well, is it possible that by responding to the comments, you could have been communicating with
Jennifer: I never thought of that. But the responses made me angry. How should I have dealt with them?
Lauren: Well, when I see negative information on social media, I try to remember that Jesus said “wisdom is
proved righteous by its works,” so I choose not to get involved.
Jennifer: Oh, yeah. Instead of arguing with every lie spoken against him, Jesus let his works speak for
themselves. Thanks for the reminder.
Lauren: Here comes our bus.
**[Participants exit]**LOL!
I love this! Exactly what Jesus has in mind giving us and example on how to LOVE.
HOW CAN WE FULFILL IT? (6 min.) When we were children, obeying ‘the law of our mother’ may have meant eating healthy foods that we did not particularly like and avoiding cherished but unhealthy sweets and snacks
Lauren: Well, is it possible that by responding to the comments, you could have been communicating with
apostates?I think this part could be jazzed up a bit.
Lauren: Well, is it possible that by responding to the comments, you could have been communicating with [First 4 notes of Beethoven's 5th Symphony]....[evil cackling laughter]...[stage lights flicker on and off repeatedly].....APOSTATES?
This is such an jaw-dropping non-sequitur:
Lauren: Well, when I see negative information on social media, I try to remember that Jesus said “wisdom is
proved righteous by its works,” so I choose not to get involved."Wisdom is proved by works, therefore to prove the point I..,,engage in no works."
Who writes this stuff, Barney Fife?
"Let me prove to you how peaceful I am by clonking you on the head with this brick."
Have the Spanish outlines for these assemblies been leaked yet?
It must drive the HQ brothers nuts that this is leaked! Witch hunt time.
Thanks for sharing, Wifi. Now I can sit in the front row at the assembly and let the speaker see me lip-syncing.