even if WT is doing it as a PR stunt, the people involved are doing something good for others and only completely jaded people would not believe they care about the suffering.
. Nobody on this thread is berating the workers, their devotion. Like in many religions, and free helpers, people are working to do good. perhaps 10 million people are being helped, with joy, during this new episode of inhumanity. -by these many unsung heros-.
what is sickening about wt is, that everything has to be callously harnessed to their "organisation" propaganda maschine. such as the example of
the prophetic admonishing of Jesus to do humanitarian work, to care for the sick, the hungry, the persecuted , in Math. 25., --- that wt, incredibly ties, limits exclusively - to work in their endless "campaigns" .
how jaded callous can you get?