I expect nothing to return to before. Instead, soon we will be getting mandatory vaccinations (I expect that as soon as there is a good surplus of doses that no one wants, after all the idiots that got their shots before doing any decent research on them run out). And then we will still have to double mask, maintain "social(??)" distancing, and businesses being reduced in capacity. Every so often, we will see another vaccine "update", which will roll out far smoother than the original shots and be mandatory.
Also, I believe the Internet is on borrowed time. Not because it is falling apart, but because they are going to take the whole thing down without any warning (and, there is no telling when). Already, we have tight censorship on all the major platforms plus attacks on alternate sites to force them to either censor or get shut down. (And all the ads--it's getting impossible to watch YouTube videos and get anything out of them with so many intrusive ads, plus they know how to freeze and crash computers better than they know how to run a site.) Any day now, I expect to turn on my computer and see all the user created content gone, and the Internet will be as one big cable network (plus Walmart being the only place you can buy anything).
In the meantime, they will make the dollar become toilet paper. Already, there are major price increases on staples, with more planned (this time, the paper supplies will simply get way more expensive, instead of having strict limits and shortages). You may get $15 per hour, which buys less than 10 cents per hour did in 1970. (And all your wealth being taxed to death, with all these new Komodo Dragon Harris taxes coming around.) See how it is in California with wealth taxes? It will be even worse nationwide once Komodo Dragon becomes president, as with the Internet being ruined or taken down, without warning.
And yes, they will have police to enforce mandatory vaccines along with mandatory double masks, "social(??)" distancing, and excessive sanitizing everything. They will take away from enforcing real laws (using political correctness, which is already happening) and redirect it to enforcing tyranny. At the same time, it is "racist" to have any IQ higher than that of a coronavirus, or to use more than 0.001% of your brain.