Whether you are in the USA or another country, are you for it or against it?
How Do You Feel About Completely Open Borders?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
road to nowhere
I think I should be able to go to Mexico, work, buy any property I want and avoid taxes.
There are actually few countries that are as attractive as the USA, Canada, western Europe
Makes sense!
Open borders make sense--that is, if you want parasites entering your country and destroying it. This is why we have so much political correctness bunk these days. This is why we all need to learn Spanish in a formerly English speaking country--and no one wants to actually work. Those already in the stronger countries find themselves working just to support those who don't deserve it. Then foreigners get to vote for people that will ruin the host country.
There is a legal and proper way to enter the country. Use it.
I'm against them - they would likely not work (unless it's the unsaid desire of open-borders advocates to change irrevocably the nature of their country/society).
Borders didn't arise artificially, they arose organically.
The Great Wall of China was a border, still visible from space, built to keep out foreign armies and people.
Hadrian's Wall in Britain was also built as a border to keep outsiders out.
And humans aren't the only species of animal which has borders - just search on youtube for wolves, leopards, hyenas, etc., defending their territories along their borders from invasions by conspecifics.
Designated borders help block or impede illegal activities and migrate issues.
It would be a disaster, think of the fall of the berlin wall. The spread of commi ideas, personalities ( like open border merkel) into the normal part.
I really think that the majority of people are not keen on open borders. It makes me wonder why some people pursue this as a matter of policy. I cannot think that this will strengthen any country.
"Open borders" is a nice way of saying "wealth redistribution".
I am for open borders if all countries do it. I am opposed to open borders if not all countries do it.
I know that foreign nationals may only stay in Mexico 182 days of the calendar year (6 months minus a day). There are whole communities of U.S. citizens in Mexico taking advantage of the warmer weather and lower cost of living. They are not a burden to the Mexican taxpayers and contribute to local economy. So, good on both sides of the ledger. We only hear about one side of the ledger from either side of the argument in the U.S.
Sure, criminal aliens contribute some money to the local economy in the U.S. and pay some taxes. However, the amount that is contributed is less than the cost of tax payer funded government services used by criminal aliens. Then take into consideration the human impact. U.S. citizens are harmed or killed by criminal aliens. Sure, U.S. citizens harm and kill each other, but there are crimes that could have been prevented if the U.S. just enforced immigration laws.
We have arguments over low and stagnant wages in the U.S. which fuels the drive for raising the minimum wage. Minimum wage only applies to companies and businesses who hire U.S. citizens or those with a right to work in the U.S. Criminal aliens flooding the U.S. have made it near impossible for U.S. citizens in the trades and construction to earn a living. Why pay a skilled union carpenter $35.00 and hour when their is a never ending supply of people who will do it for $10.00, cash under the table, coming over the border illegally on a daily basis?
People are fleeing their nation of origin to come to the U.S. due to rampant violence. All they are doing is contributing to those who are carrying out the violence. Mexican drug cartels use these people fleeing their country for the U.S. because it makes them money. The U.S. would be better off sending cruise ships down to Central America to pick up these refugees and bring them directly to the U.S., bypassing Mexico all together. This would reduce the drug mules and human trafficking into the U.S. which in turn would cut into the profits of drug cartels.