Race relations will not improve as long as there are people who make a bundle of money off of racism.
For example, the Media needs racism to get ratings, views, clicks, or to sell papers. They will do whatever it takes to further the divide.
The so called poilitial leaders or so called "Reverends" that travel the country get paid every time they appear. And, they get paid well. They tell the people to "Call me for help". But if they are called, they want to get paid before they help. And often, they don't help, they just further the divide. They inflame emotions by telling people that racism lurks around every corner. So, if they are making a bundle of money, then why should they stop? they WANT racism because it is a great source of income for them.
Sad part is that many people do believe that racism is everywhere. They are listening to these so called leaders that don't have the peoples best interests at heart when we as a people should be just talking to each other.