Some words and phrases are not necessarily unique to JWs but are given unconventional meanings by WT which will confuse nonJWs and may provide plausible deniability for JWs if questioned by nonJWs.
Disfellowshipped vs Disassociated by actions (example: joining military or accepting a blood transfusion)
True Christian vs Christian
Lie vs Theocratic warfare
The GB are imperfect men that are not spirit directed vs everything the GB state was communicated by God and must be believed and followed without question.
"It would be presumptuous to say we are the only spoke persons God's is using" vs God has only one chosen earthly organization and representatives.
Christian vs Jehovian
Humble vs bragging of every success of the WT organization and JWs as a group
We are all brothers with no one above any other vs GB, Bethelites, COs, Elders, Pioneers etc all have higher status above rank and file JWs
We give voluntarily and do not tithe or pass the collection plate vs ...
Other confusing terms include: