Please how do someone become an Anointed Christian in Watchtower Organization.

by bola 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I once asked a GB member how do you know if you are of the annointed or not, his response simply was:"If you have to ask the question you are not."

    Of course, the GB are full of $hit. LOL


  • Overrated

    Delusional, Delusional, The GB make this shit up. and this guy buys into the delusion. Ebola, you need to get real with yourself and ask the tough questions.

  • bola

    I was baptized March 8, 2008

  • Rocketman123

    Yeh keeping talking about you being anointed to your elders , they will have something very special for you.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Bola needs to get laid. That will cure him.

  • Rocketman123

    Bola , did you just want to be spiritually anointed so that you would acquire supernatural powers so that you could come to earth along with Jesus and Zap all the evil doers ?

    I mean that's admirable in thought I guess

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    You should be privately invited by Jehovah to partake. If you believe you have received this invitation then start partaking at the next Memorial and be DISCREET about it.

  • BluesBrother

    This guy is a wind up merchant!

  • punkofnice

    Are you sure you're not just insecure and need a crutch?

    Beware, my friend...the Watchtower doesn't give 2 hoots about you....they just want your money!

    August 15, 2011 Watchtower (the study edition) pg 22 QfR: Memorial partakers. This is the number
    of baptized individuals who partake of the emblems at the Memorial worldwide. Does this total represent the number of anointed
    ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number of factors—including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance—might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling. We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones.

  • pontoon
    When they pass the emblems be sure to eat all the bread on the plate and drink the whole glass of wine. That will convince them.

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