Yes their facilities are all about making the kids comfortable and happy. Take the time one day and walk through the hospital.
LV101 and Smiddy,
Actually I am not a Shriner, LOL I have the wrong plumbing, I am a Ladies of the Oriental Shrine (LOS) but we work just as hard as the men. They build the facilities etc. We have our funny hats (Fez) too. We raise money so that the family of the children have travel money (hotels, meals etc). The ladies (LOS) will spend time with Mom, dad and siblings while the children are being cared for so Mom and Dad can focus on their sick child anything to make the experience less painful.
I am extremely pleased with all the work we do through the Shriner's, Ladies of the Oriental Shrine and all of the other Masonic Organizations.
In order to be a Shriner you first need to be a Mason. Then you apply to become a Shriner.
In my case I had to have a Mason in my family which was my Uncle. I was associated with the Shriner organization since I was a little child. My uncle allowed us to play with his car. The first organization that I actually joined was Job's Daughters which at that time was 12 now the girls can join at 10. Their philanthropic charity is Hearing Impaired Kid's Endowment which raising money for children from birth to the age of 20. Anyone can apply for this money for their child, with application from their doctor, no race, religious questions asked just need basis. These young ladies are taught how to run meetings, fund raisers, social events, fun activities and the adults are there for advise only. I am still involved with this organization as an Certified Adult Volunteer.
There are two other youth groups they are Rainbows which is open to girls I believe they start also at the age of 10. DeMolay is for boys. Each of these groups have their own philanthropic charities.
Besides the Shriner's there are many other Masonic groups and each of these have some great philanthropic endeavors. A lot of them center around children.
Women have many groups to belong but each has a very important role. Charities include diabetes, homeless/abuse shelters, and the list goes on.
Yes, all of these groups have a very vital role in the community and serve the community very well. I would highly recommend anyone exiting the Witnesses to get involved in anyone of these organizations. It would give them true charity work plus new true/real friendships. These are all real tax exempt organization.
a picture speaks a thousand words, how true a statement.