Ridiculous statements in this weeks study article

by the truth is mine 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • the truth is mine
    the truth is mine

    Maybe it is just me but when I read this paragraph all I could do is shake my head and wonder how I used to buy into this crap and how people don't wonder what the hell the writers are thinking'

    "Imagine what life would be like if God did not have love for mankind. We merely have to look at the awful history of this world with its human rulerships under its unloving and wrathful god, Satan the Devil. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 5:19; read Revelation 12:9, 12.) This shows us how horrible the future would be if the universe were to function without the operation of God’s love."-11/15/2015 Jehovah Is the God of Love par 3

    Jehovah Is the God of Love


    Ridiculous statements in this weeks study article

    "Imagine what life would be like if God did not have love for mankind.

    ..................Image result for God Watching TV

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    In other words:

    "Imagine what life would be like if God did not have love for mankind. It would be exactly as it is right now - not that that proves that God does not have love for mankind, no. It only demonstrates that we need his love . . . which he has for us . . . but is allowing the world to continue in the same state it would be in if he did not love us . . ."


  • Captain Schmideo2
    Captain Schmideo2

    The real question, what would life on Earth be like if there was no such thing as Religion? No belief in The Big Man in the Sky that demands that we kill our neighbor in his name, sacrifice our children in his name, and subjugate our female companions in his name.

  • Nitty-Gritty

    You completely missed the point. It's talking about the prospects for the FUTURE.

    "... This shows us how horrible the FUTURE would be IF the universe were to function without the operation of God’s love."

  • JW_Rogue
    So basically we don't have to imagine because it is already here and mankind has never known anything different. Yet, we are still to believe that God is loving because he has given us a bunch of promises which we just know will be fulfilled...soon. LOL

    The Watchtower God is the abusive, dead-beat husband who does nothing, yet loves to say, "You see what happens around here without me!! Well, do yah??! Things go to shit!! You would be nothing without me!! Now make me a sandwich!!"


  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Life without God, 1) all killing would be wrong. 2) Scientific progress without offending

    people who live by the Holy Book. 3) No chosen people 4) No fables or myths handed down

    as truth. 5) No Adam and Eve and the snake. And No fear of being cremated by the God above.

    If God is showing love for mankind I hope I'm dead when he shows his anger.

  • the truth is mine
    the truth is mine

    Happy to know that it wasn't just me thinking how all looking at the past did is verify that there is no god and especially some god that personifies love. And I love the dead -beat husband comparison DD.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes we can see evidence of this overwhelming love for humanity when he murdered most of humanity during the Flood of Noah and he's about to kill off most of humanity again soon.

    That's profound love.

    A matter of fact there is a religious organization that cant wait for this murdering spree to occur, they are called the Jehovah's Witnesses. Praise Jah the God of love

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