Why is God's punishment always nonsensical?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Leviticus 10:1-3

    The Death of Nadab and Abihu

    10 Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, put fire in them and added incense; and they offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, contrary to his command. 2 So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord. 3 Moses then said to Aaron, “This is what the Lord spoke of when he said:

    “‘Among those who approach me
    I will be proved holy;
    in the sight of all the people
    I will be honored.’”

    Aaron remained silent.

    Nadab and Abihu Nadab e Abiu Wikiwand

    If you are to believe this story, you really need to question why God has to kill people who disobey his orders. Nadab and Abihu do not follow his orders and procedures. God is so incensed that he strikes them dead with fire and burns them to cinders.

    Why didn't God just blind them, make them deaf or give them some kind of disorder?

    George Carlin ( a comedian ) once said: Religion has convinced people that there's an invisible man ... living in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn't want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you.

  • TonusOH

    The OT god is over-the-top in his brutality. In 2 Samuel 6:6-8, he kills a guy for the crime of reaching out to keep the ark of the covenant from falling over. Intent didn't matter. Who this man was, didn't matter. He touched the ark. He died on the spot. Killed by a being that personifies kindness, mercy, goodness, and love.

  • wozza

    And Tonus ,Through his loving kindness he allowed the Ark to disappear ,never to be found ? If it disappeared by robbery at say the first temple destruction why did he not get his servants to write how the fools who stole it were punished, or were they?

    What kind of god kills a man desperate to save the Ark and yet loses track of where it went?

  • punkofnice
    R&R If you are to believe this story

    I don't. I think there is either an element of Chinese whispers or metaphor. What an absolutely stupid story. I can't believe I was gullible enough to believe such rancid nonsense back in the day. I'm glad I woke up.

    Why didn't God just blind them, make them deaf or give them some kind of disorder?

    Rectal piles would be my choice. A bit like that other stupid story around the same bit.

    George Carlin

    He made very astute observations about Religion and God. The ones I've heard make more sense than some twot in a silly hat pretending they're something they're not.

    I see folks arguing the toss about what a scripture means on many threads. Same scripture, different interpretation. that should tell you something about what a crap communicator god is, if 'god or gods' exists.

    A monumental waste of time. ends in nothing but 'unchristian' squabbling. shows what they learned and practice.

    Why not put that effort into make the world a better pace around oneself?

  • truth_b_known

    The reason is because the YHWY of the Old Testament is a mythological story character. Zeus, Odin, Ba'al, and YHWH are are just works of fiction. The brain is addicted to story.

  • pistolpete

    To me, the most astonishing thing is not the crazy stories in the bible but---------the billions of people that have believed all those crazy stories, for thousands of years, of YHWH aka Jehovah, and still believe that Jehovah is a God of LOVE, KINDNESS, COMPASSION who is going to rescue them and give them ETERNAL LIFE.

    Humans will believe anything!

    That's one of the reasons why we are dealing with Black lives matter, Gender Identity, whites are racists, Watchtower, Scientology, the Catholic inquisitions, and all the atrocities throughout history.


    I would venture to say that out of 8 billion humans, only a fraction can see the bullshit.

    What give that fraction of humans the ability to see through all this and live in reality??????

  • punkofnice
    Pistolpete - Humans will believe anything!

    This is so true.....AND, I'd add most need to find a side or tribe to belong to, like BLM, Antifa, believing those rona lies from thee media, Rona mask wearing sanctimonists and Religions.

    What give that fraction of humans the ability to see through all this and live in reality??????

    Well, it isn't Watchtower University, I'll be bound.

    I'm not sure if seeing thru the BS is a blessing or a curse.

    As Neil Innes sang, 'How sweet to be an idiot'.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    God killed them because they were drunk and they didn't take seriously their position as priests of the Tabernacle.That being the case, what exactly is the argument here? Has God the right to set rules ? Has God has the right to terminate life as he pleases? I'm not taking a position just trying to understand the nature of the argument here

    God killed them because they were drunk and they didn't take seriously their position as priests of the Tabernacle.That being the case, what exactly is the argument here? Has God the right to set rules ? Has God has the right to terminate life as he pleases? I'm not taking a position just trying to understand the nature of the argument here

    If God is real, why does he take extreme measures?

    If you have children, do you kill them after they do not follow your orders? Do you threaten them with death? You can...you are more powerful than they are. Does a loving God have to punish everyone with death? When my children didn't follow my rules, I didn't beat them with a belt nor punish them with the threat of death? I'm a mere mortal and death should never be a punishment.

    Why hasn't God put Satan to death? Satan deserves to die more than someone who touches the Ark of the Covenant.

    Ever since I discovered this forum I read the Bible more than when I was a Jehovah's Witness. You begin to understand what a silly book the Bible is.

  • punkofnice
    R und R Ever since I discovered this forum I read the Bible more than when I was a Jehovah's Witness. You begin to understand what a silly book the Bible is.

    This is where I'm at too.

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