Which bible translation do you think is best and most acurate?

by NikL 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • tepidpoultry


    I do not believe the Bible is inspired by anyone/anything but I will collect

    them from Thrift Shops for critiquing purposes


  • Steel

    Its wasn't till about 6 months ago i realized there was a physical manifestation of god in the old testament called the word of jehovah or lord.

    Once i understand what new testament writers were referring to in the old testament, the idea the nwt should even be considered inspired scripture is ridiculous.

    They claim all bibles have a trinitarian bias. Now its kind of like no shit sherlock.

    As for translation, i really dont think it makes much difference just as long as its not the nwt.

    There is a scholar named daniel b wallace who wrote the net bible. He is a really interesting speaker without a dogmatic axe to grind. I like using his software.

  • UnshackleTheChains

    I'm reading 'the Scriptures' at the minute. Difficult to read, but like all the Hebrew names and places entered to keep as close to original writings.

  • slimboyfat

    When I was at uni I did a few courses on Hebrew and the New Testament. In all the courses I attended the NRSV was used as standard. It was regarded as the best translation available and I guess I have internalised that bias. If I want to know simply what "the Bible" says, I look up the NRSV first. It is in easy to understand modern English, uses good base texts, and was produced by a team of very capable scholars. It avoids the extreme sectarian bias of some translations (it's commonly used as an ecumenical version, acceptable to Catholics and Protestants), the translators were neither extreme conservatives nor extreme liberals, and the version retains a flavour, but does not follow slavishly the King James tradition.

    So all around I think there is a good case to be made for the NRSV as one of the most reliable, accurate, and useable translations.

    But I like a lot of other translations. In particular I enjoy where translators have gone to the trouble of translating individual books with lots of footnotes amd explanation. Robert Alter's translation of Genesis for example is excellent, as is Raymond Scheindlin's version of The Book of Job. For a readable and interesting version of the New Testament I like The Authentic New Testament by Hugh Schonfield. The Jerusalem Bible is a well respected Catholic version with loads of helpful footnotes.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Thanks for the NRSV recommendation NikL and SBF.

    I'm partial to using Biblegateway, it's easy to use and provides close to 50 different translations including four different NRSVs!

  • schnell

    Can we get snarky now?

    The Jefferson Bible and Da Jesus Book. And more seriously, the Q source is a nice concentration of gospel to read.

  • Simon

    Probably best not to stick to any one version - look at them all and see what the consensus is for meaning vs outliers that are trying to inject their own ideology into it.

  • Doctor Who
    Doctor Who

    I personally find the New Jerusalem Bible easy for me to follow. I must say its my go to version. If I find something in question, I cross reference it with the NRSV. It's my close second.

  • notalone

    My family have managed to leave whilst maintaining faith in God, not religion. If you have been in the org a long time or are a born-in going to a Bible that does not include a Divine name can feel uncomfortable so we chose the Names of God Bible. We also used Biblehub and found we liked the Living Bible for everyday reading. I enjoy my interlinear and also have the Septuagint for more in depth reading. I also have a Quran which is interesting. Recently, I became more open to the Buddhist outlook. I have come to the place that in every nation at every time those who seek to know God will find him, the trick is to do it yourself. We can be inspired by another's search but our path is ours alone.

  • zeb

    If the new wt silver edition is based on the works of Wescott & Hort then it is to be suspect as according to Wikipedia they were well into the occult. Please look up wescott and Hort on Wikipedia there is quite a bit there.

    I have just bought a new King James printed (ironically) in China my other is ESV that I got from the Book Depository. This has lots of little footnotes giving other meanings of words or it will say in honesty "actual meaning uncertain" so it gives a profound reading.

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