Memory hole, international conspiracy, and the JW international network

by slimboyfat 22 Replies latest social current

  • hoser

    I’ve heard that missionaries and other full time ministers courier money across international borders

  • slimboyfat

    In most cases, not billions of dollars in bonds, though, I’d imagine. 😮

    I wonder about the JWs being described as missionaries because to an outsider that word describes a preacher in another country. For JWs it most often refers to Witnesses who have attended Gilead and been assigned by Watchtower to a country. If the couple were missionaries in the latter sense then I wonder if there was a couple who attended Gilead in the preceding years who fit the bill and could have been the couple referred to.

  • Vidiot
    careful - “…Have you looked into any side effects from medications you take?”

    And, more importantly, have you thought about sharing?


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