In view of the terrorist attacks going on in the world right now, as well as the high degree of animosity towards Jehovah's Witnesses as a result of their shuning practices, etc., I think it would be wise for the WTS to discontinue meeting for large conventions and use live streaming and broadcasts instead. Even with the increased security measures being put in place this year, it would not be surprising if some incidents take place. Has anyone heard any talk in this regard?
2017 Conventions
by Maryo 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hear Hear!
Except instead of this -
I think it would be wise for the WTS to discontinue meeting for large conventions and use live streaming and broadcasts instead.
I would say this -
I think it would be wise for the WTS to discontinue meeting for large conventions and lay on trips to the beach with ice creams and/or cool beers all round.
Doubting Bro
No way that would happen. They run those RCs because they get a boatload of donation money. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Oh how I WISH that would happen.
They wouldn't make a buttload of money so I guess that's off the table.
as well as the high degree of animosity towards Jehovah's Witnesses as a result of their shuning practices
While there are definitely some exJWs who are maybe "one chip short of a butty", no one is making any threats to do anything stupid AFAIK. Sure, a few let passion get the better of them and they try to disrupt a meeting but violence seems a stretch for both current and ex JWs.
There was a bomb attack against a KH maybe 30+ years ago. It's one reason I think it's always important to not encourage stupid behavior or stunts - anyone doing bad things against anyone, JW or not, is usually condemned and rightly so.
Any large gathering of people where there will be tightly packed crowds, especially inside reinforced structures like stadiums should probably be considered a target and assemblies seem like they would be quite vulnerable with the day-long coming and going of lots of people and amateur security.
The question is, would they care about the welfare of their members and the families and children or more about the publicity opportunities and fundraising? I think we know the answer to that.
I personally would not feel safe to attend one of these conventions. it is clear from the kingdom hall bombing in Australia in 1985 that divine protection is not going on with regard to these kinds of events. Perhaps if a serious incident occurs, the WTS will reconsider the wisdom of holding these large events in today's world!
Not going to happen like someone else already mentioned they make money off of those.
With the exception of the the Jws and maybe a tiny few of non Jws the conventions are largely unknown to the public. Or ignored by them. Unlikely terrorists will be interested in a marginalized religious group"s conventions when they have more attention-getting events to target.
The one set to be held in San Francisco in July is at the Cow Palace. Certain venues in and of themselves could attract attention.
Unlikely terrorists will be interested in a marginalized religious group"s conventions
Not unless violent extremists of one religion knew about the teachings of a non-violent extremist religion.
(See WT Nov 1, 1953, page 653)