Dutch conventions organized like circuits

by Gorbatchov 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    Here in Holland jw.org is organizing for the first time the yearly conventions like circuits. The whole summer the new convention hall is used for small group conventions instead of 10.000 seat external halls.

    It keeps the money in the organization. Not renting external buildings.

    The 29.000 witnesses here are divided now into 2.000 seat audience.


  • Magnum

    I think that is going to hasten the demise of JWdom. Experiencing the large groups in large arenas was one of the things (if not the only thing) that gave JWs some excitement and something to look forward to and that gave them a sense of "bigness" and importance.

    It just won't be the same or have the same effect in smaller buildings. This is allowing a little more water into the sinking ship.


    The whole summer the new convention hall is used for small group conventions instead of 10.000 seat external halls.

    It keeps the money in the organization.

    "This Will Be The Best Assembly Ever!"


    Image result for religion fleecing the flock..Image result for religion fleecing the flock

  • joe134cd

    How do they expect their young ones to find a partner, as these events were good occasions for scoping the field.

  • _Morpheus

    Its interesting gorby, here in the usa the convention i picked my daughter up from was also all the same circuit, although held in a typical larger arena. Peak attendance was only 6k though, whoch is much smaller than normal.... this seems to be the new norm. Please dear thor make them stop the traveling crap!!!!

    With no new releases i heard more than a few grumble that the effort wasnt worth it anymore

  • Chook

    The Dutch build some othe the worlds best rotary dairys, the GB are in the milking business second to the realestate empire, when they own the assembly halls then charge behind the scenes with assembly deficits of the range of $7-10 thousand it becomes a profitable milking machine.

  • Tallon
    Very interesting Gorby; with smaller attendance the interest will in due time fizzle out.
  • John Davis
    John Davis

    They have been doing that in the New York City area for 10 years now ever since they lost the Nasaeu Collieseum. it is nothing new.

  • Magnum

    John Davis, the OP is referring to Holland, and it says "for the first time", so it is new there. The OP is not referring to the New York City area.

  • Darkknight757

    These smaller conventions have had a dramatic effect on meeting attendance and help from local brothers before leaving the org a year and some change ago. I could easily pick out a few families that were faithful to the ASSemblies suddenly would be lax on Friday and leave after lunch Sunday. These smaller groups combined with mixing circuits was a big mistake by the ever stupid governing body.

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