When I was younger, around 13 to 18, I would often pioneer in the month of August as I would work and enjoy the summer in July. And yet, my congregations didn't often go in field service in August. Most of the pioneers would pull there hours for the year by the end of July and take it easy in August. As a result, I was often going out alone, door to door, preaching. I enjoyed it. I honestly had some engaging conversation and in some cases held company to some lonesome people willing to chill and talk.
I really believed that I was bringing something positive to my community and I guess that in some ways, I did. What's the harm in people thinking about their spiritual outlook on life? That's what often came out of me knocking on people's doors. Had I been successful in my attempt at bringing people into the "truth", perhaps I'd have a different outlook on it now. But those times I went out alone, I felt that people were speaking their minds and I was having real conversations, not just plain preaching. It was a two way street. I learned about other people's perspective on life and shared mine. I also believe that these honest conversations played a serious role in me eventually leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses.
That being said, I did invest way too much time in that stuff. I remember some days, I actually did 12 hours! Street witnessing in the morning (6am to 8:30am). Door to door between 9 and 12. break. Door to door from 1pm to 5pm. Field service in the evening at 6:30pm (finished late with a bible study). Man... I was a zealot.