To the Household of God, Israel, and all those that go with them… may you have peace.
Under the direction of the spirit of my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son of the Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, I am compelled by such holy spirit to share the following with you. For me, it is quite an undertaking, as I have never been directed to respond to an article in its entirety. However, as mentioned elsewhere on this forum, I have no choice, as my Lord has directed me to “make a reply” to those who attempt to mislead his people, Israel, by means of false teachings, rhetoric, propaganda… and lies. In some instances, he has referred to them as lies, and in others, as errors. What’s the difference? Errors are honest mistakes, made by means of someone else’s misrenderings, mistransliterations, misinterpretations, etc. Lies, however, are those things that the WTBTS itself MAKES UP… knowingly so… so as to support their false teachings and attempt to enslave God’s people.
At some point, such teachings, etc., are directed at me... and those like me, servants to the Most High God and a slave of His Christ. And thus, as with my Lord, at some point, I will no longer be directed to respond, nor will I wish to; my Lord has said that it will get even more personal, as Pharisees are Pharisees. But as his slave, I understand my torture stake, and accept it. The silence will come, but until that time, I am to share the TRUTH with you… just as I receive it FROM the Truth (John 14:6). The following is the beginning of such sharing.
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of our God and Father, the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH… of Armies… (JaHVeH)… and the peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA (JAH Saves) MISCHAJAH (Chosen/Anointed of JAH), be upon you… you and your entire households. And may you join in the voice of the creation as it shouts “PRAISE JAH, you people! Let every living thing, let every living BREATHING thing… let it praise JAH!”
Your servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, and those who go with them, and a slave of Christ - SJ
Paragraph 1:
“That ‘day’ began when the Messianic Kingdom was established in 1914.”
A lie - The Messianic Kingdom was established… in 30 C.E., on the night of Pentecost, when my Lord was INSTALLED AS KING, his inauguration TAKING PLACE... and EVIDENCED... and evidenced by the outpouring of holy spirit on that night.
Acts 2:1-4, 33-35; Hebrews 4:14; 5:1, 5, 6; 6:20; 7:1, 15; 8:1… and most importantly, 5:9 (see NWT Ref. Bible footnote)
It was on THAT very night that his disciples received EVIDENCE… holy spirit… that he had “begun RULING” … subduing and bringing into a NEW covenant those who loved him… while his enemies, including the “last” enemy, Death, still existed! For the saying is NOT that he would rule as king AFTER his enemies had been brought to nothing, but that he must rule as king UNTIL God has put all his enemies under his feet.
From the right-hand of God, then, he was not waiting to rule, any more than Joseph waited to gather and dispense Pharaoh’s grain when he was placed at Pharaoh's right hand! ALL power was given Joseph so the he was second ONLY to Pharaoh; ALL power was THEN given to my Lord so that he was and is second… ONLY to God. ("ALL authority HAS BEEN given me... in heaven AND on earth!")
Thus, my Lord’s DAY… began when he began ruling... as king… at Pentecost 30 C.E. And THAT is when John’s visions BEGIN. For one of the FIRST things that occurred when such rulership began, the ousting of the Adversary from the spirit realm, was shown to John. When my Lord ascended into the spirit realm and took his rightful place at my Father’s right hand, all of his enemies THERE… had to be removed. THEN. At that time! Thus, throughout the “revelation”, John was taken BACK in time, so that he was told to write down “the things you SAW (past).” He was also shown things that were occurring right then, so that he was told also to write “the things that ARE (present),” and he was showed things that had not yet occurred so that he was also told to write “things that will take place AFTER (future) these.” The WTBTS does not KNOW this TRUTH… and so cannot publish it. Yet. They are “thieves and plunderers,” so it will very likely show up as some “new light” in a future publication.
Revelation 1:19; 12:10; John 14:30; 16:11
Paragraph 3:
“Stars sometimes symbolize angelic spirit creatures, but Christ would not use a man to record messages for spirit creatures.”
A lie - Man HAS been used to record messages for spirit creatures, indeed, for Satan himself –
Ezekiel 28:11-15, 17
“Hence, these ‘stars’ logically denote spirit-anointed overseers, or bodies of elders.”
A lie - The WTBTS’s “logic” is false: for one, if the “overseers” were “spirit anointed”, then they would… one and all… eat and drink at the Memorial. They do not. Second, if the stars ARE “spirit anointed”, they by reason of the teachings of the WTBTS, would NOT include “bodies of elders,” most of whom do NOT profess to be “anointed.”
“The term ‘angel’ relates to their role as messengers.”
A lie - “Angels” are spirit messengers of God and Christ. “PROPHETS”… are human messengers of God and Christ.
Hebrews 1:2, 7, 13, 14 (in addition, please see WTBTS Comprehensive Concordance, under “Prophet,” “Prophets,” and “Messenger”)
[TO BE CONTINUED, as the Spirit of my Lord directs me. Peace to you!]