The Akedah

by peacefulpete 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peacefulpete

    I wish to clarify my comment earlier, the akedah itself isn't explicitly paralleled in the NT but it is implicitly. Perhaps the writer of Galatians 3 was confident through his identification/substitution of Christ with Isaac, that it would be understood to include the sacrifice scene. Later writers certainly got that connection.

    A great book on this topic:

    The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son: The Transformation of Child Sacrifice in Judaism and Christianity by Jon D. Levenson

  • Phizzy

    Thanks for the Book recommendation P.P. I will get round to reading it in a while, but at present I am busy sorting out a trip to Ireland in a couple of weeks time, plus I am writing a Novel, and need to add a few Chapters before presenting basically half a Novel to my Mentor, a dear friend who I call my adopted Grandson, a Writer and Film Director, so his advice will be invaluable.

    i hope his advice does not come down to "Give up the idea of Writing a Novel, and take up Tiddly-Winks !"

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