The Third Reich may appear monstrous to you but it did not for the thousands of German soldiers who fought during the war. - Earnest
And history has proven beyond all sensible doubt that they were entirely wrong and those of us who judge the Third Reich to be odious beyond redemption entirely correct.
most people who use deadly force whether at war, or otherwise, believe they are justified in doing so. Including your group of terrorists on the rampage with guns.
They too are entirely wrong. Murder and oppression in the cause of utopian ideologies - Fascist, Islamic, Communist - is evil and must be opposed, by deadly force if necessary. My contempt for moral relativism is total. There are moral facts - to deny them is as obtuse as the ravings of creationism or advocates of a flat earth.
would I be correct to assume that you believe those who refused to fight for Nazi Germany or apartheid South Africa because they believed it was wrong to take a human life are moral cowards?
Any German who refused to murder others in the name of an evil ideology is a hero - but that does not make them a pacifist. If they would also refuse to use lethal force to defend their wife of children then yes they are moral cowards. Motive is everything.