knock knock

by Sabin 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • possum
    Mr Possum loves to "anti witness". But they never come back. I keep telling him hes no good at it because he accidentally keeps using witness buzz words that give him away. I have to walk away I just get too the blah blah blah.......
  • jookbeard
    they never call here, in the 20 years since I moved away they called once at a place where I lived after I separated from my wife, we had a good chat ( they had no idea who I was)and I invited them back , they never returned , I moved away from there in 2002 and have not had one single call in the places I lived since, although the Mormons used to call quite regularly NEVER ever leave an opportunity to anti witness to them , and every time I see newbies on the cart I will go over to them and chat.
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    Just say to them, "I used to be in the truth years ago. Can you tell me what the truth is now?"
  • SecretSlaveClass
    The last time they came around (over a year ago) I had a little time off and invited them inside, offered them coffee and made them comfortable. Once they were all settled in I sprung my trap, confronting them mostly about the 1914 generation. It was fun watching go from relaxed to squirming in their chairs. That was the last time any of them ever came to my door.
  • Nambo

    For the first time in years, I had a Witness call, a young Lady, she asked, "Who do you think runs the world" and I replied "Satan" which didn't surprise her as much as when I started quoting Scripture.

    She told me where the Kingdom Hall was and I replied, "Yes I know, I helped build it, you have a photograph of me in your Quick-build album", along with other massive hints such as, "You wont be allowed to return visit me", she must have realised I was an ex, her friend was certainly looking horrified when she arrived after 10 minutes to see what this wonderful call was her friend had found.

    Thing is, this girl sounded genuine Christian rather than dub, I get the impression she was new in the Twoof, she liked what I was saying so much that she asked if she could come back the next day. I did get to say to her, "if you ever find yourself at odds with the organisation, you dont need to abandon God as well because the JW's dont own God, come back and see me then and I will help you"

    Of course she didn't come back, been got at for sure, surprised I haven't had my first Elder visit after 20 years of missing the meetings, but she might remember the things I said if she ever wants to find out TTATT so I think its worth talking to them because you might save a Lamb of God from their jaws.

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    Me ... I don't answer

    I remember reading about a young scally of a lassie answering the door with out her knickers.

    Kind of admire her spunk and brazenness


  • just fine
    just fine
    Last time they came through they left a magazine in my door - I was feeling a bit antagonized and I got in my car and found them at the end of my block and gave them the magazine back. I let them know how I feel about their disfellowshipping arrangement which the elder tried to defend. I let him have it in front of my neighbors who were getting their mail. It was funny - because everyone ran for their cars (2 car groups) and left that elder to deal with me. Everyone left that day and haven't been back.
  • Simon

    I thought there was going to be a joke.

    Tip: when a kid tries to tell you a "knock knock" joke always answer with "come in". Yeah, I'm cruel.

  • jookbeard
  • Happeanna

    My daughter said to some of them.

    "Oh you are the people that think cuddling a panda is so brilliant that everyone else has to die so that you can"

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