FNM -- 'peddle a dream' great one liner.
Retirement savings
by TxNVSue2023 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LongHair Gal,
Interestingly, my parents woke up to the same thing as you did, but while they were still in the "Free Home Bible Study" phase of the JW indoctrination process.
Like you, they observed that there were those in the religion who were comfortably well off, yet who were urging others to adopt a course of life which could only result in impoverishment. (Talk about a classic case of "I've got mine, but you're not allowed to have yours"!)
Upon that realisation - and being very practical people - my parents cut all ties with the religion. Sadly, it took me much, much longer to wake up to the whole charade!
I suppose as older people your parents noticed things that a younger person wouldn’t - like older people with cushy lives and collecting pensions.. I was caught up in the ‘love bombing’ so this wasn’t obvious right away.
Of course, the love bombing turned to hate when the Witnesses realized I wasn’t going to follow in the footsteps of other younger women.. Doing housecleaning and pioneering was expected. This is why there are broke pioneers today who can’t retire. Instead of getting careers when young, they were deceived into wasting time in the ministry and doing favors for Users there.. (Of course, they were invited to gatherings that I was not invited to back then.. They should track down these ‘spiritual’ friends for handouts! )
No, the religion was certainly not looking out for my best interest. I kept that job they all hated me for until Retirement. Maybe my ‘worldly’ upbringing saved me. But, I have to say this: I saw the handwriting on the wall and knew reality would eventually hit all these Witnesses who never really worked - and I didn’t want to be anywhere near them!
I’m so Glad I’m Out.
My advice to any current JW would be the same that was given to me when I was 18 in 1973 by a former WT Branch overseer ( a relative that I ignored at the time)..:" Do as Watchtower does ...not as they say".." Watchtower has 5-year building plans, gathers large savings accounts and continually invests in real estate". At the time I thought he was joking or had a bad attitude...but now I understand he was trying to save me.
I would add to that advice..if you can't afford to attend College full-time...go to JC College or night school regularly. It is more pleasant than evening meetings, and Saturday field service, and unlike meetings and field service, it will expand your mind and add to your pocketbook book...long term. I have a friend who chipped away at getting a law degree by going to night school for years. It was slow...but attainable.
Yes do as they do not as they say.
they plan decades in advance but say the end is right around the corner
they train up selected ones in higher education but say don’t go for higher education
they make long term investments but say give your money to us the end is right around the corner
they have vaults full of gold and silver but say give your precious things to us
they constantly invest in real estate but say live cheap in rental accommodation
they live in luxury and west expensive bling but say live a simple life and give us your money
Yes, I totally agree with you and I never listened to a word the religion said - especially seeing all those older JWs collecting their pensions..The poverty being pushed wasn’t for them!
I followed my gut and did what was best for me and held onto that job they all hated me for!
By the way, there is no more any such thing as ‘cheap rental accommodations’. Rents are high. Some people were lucky and hit it right and were able to buy. But, the fact is: anybody who didn’t get a decent job is unable to do either.
It is near impossible to live in the world if somebody was in full-time ministry for forty years, maybe working part-time and living in a fantasy inside their head.. The idea being Armageddon would surely come and save them from not preparing for their old age - that they were told they’d never see!
They have vaults full of gold and silver?
How interesting, where are these vaults and what do you think WT intends to do with this wealth prior to Armageddon?
They have vaults full of gold and silver?
How interesting, where are these vaults and what do you think WT intends to do with this wealth prior to Armageddon
They have secret bunkers with lots of survival supplies. And yes they do have lots of gold and silver built up. So again the best advice is to do what they do, ignore what they say.