A close friend of mine who is PIMO (only staying in for family reasons) in a neighboring congregation called me in tears tonight saying her dad (elder) is telling her he is seriously considering reporting her to her local elders and she could get disfellowshipped.
The reason? Because she is complicit in a gross sin, according to him, by going with her best friend (not a J.W.) when the friend had an abortion. The friend who had an abortion is registered blind and suffers from PTSD so could hardly travel 2 hours and 30 miles to the clinic on her own, and she had nobody to support her, so my PIMO J.W. friend went with her.
Ok, abortion is murder in the view of many religious folk, but my PIMO J.W. friend strongly felt that her vulnerable friend needed support at this emotional time. Little did she know it could get her DF'ed. Her dad tells her that even if she doesn't get DF'ed, he and her mom still won't talk to her much because they think her accompanying her friend to the clinic was grossly wrong.