Watchtower publication says in Paradise we will fly around like Superman!!

by Witness 007 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Golden age Aug 25th 1926 p.751 "Negative may have wondered how accidents will be avoided in Christ's kingdom, since we are told nothing will hurt or destroy. Scientist tell us there is enough atomic energy in one finger nail to propell a battleship. The people of the future may carry some of this power with them. If they fall down an elevator shaft they can let themselves down easy, then they can turn alittle more on and go back danger of falling down the stairs then..."

    Yes SUPER WITNESSES coming soon.

  • Simon

    Just think, with a bit more foresight and imagination they could have been Marvel.

    Instead, they were just batshit.

  • MeanMrMustard

    It all tends to fall apart when the "so how is X going to work in the new system" questions are asked.

    It forces a believer to come up with an explanation that allows the end result promised in the literature. In this case, the Bible says we won't die and pain will be no more. So how's it gonna work if I trip and fall down an elevator shaft? Well... maybe you'll fly!

    Another fun one - who makes the elevators? Who makes the steel for the elevators? Who mines the ore for the steel?

  • Biahi

    MMM, it’s Jehovah magic , dontcha know? All these things will just “work”, no labor required. Lol

  • Marbles

    Honestly, (and I don't want to sound anti-semitic, because I'm not, the holocaust was real and despicable) paradise is a fantasy land where some Jewish fathers strangely envisioned a world where only Jewish people existed, or were favored by God, and anyone else was a slave. Paradise is probably a sexual fantasy, actually. If nothing else, it is probably a plagiarized myth from the Greek myth "Garden of Hespirides."

    "Feminism," at least from my point of view, is "humanitarianism" without super-naturalism. The fact that snakes don't talk is just the beginning and the end of these fantasies. All women have the right to speak against being blamed for believing in talking snakes.

  • TonusOH

    A small millennial cult is the ultimate "us versus them" power fantasy. Out of billions of people, god chose you and your fellow believers to avoid his wrath. You get turned into carefree immortals who inherit the Earth (and, with a bit of imagination, the entire cosmos). The people who mocked you, ignored you, oppressed you, and persecuted you have been turned into the dust that you now shake off of your sandals.

    And in case you missed it (or simply want to relive those glorious 'last days') there is the "Real Armageddon" blu ray set, so you can enjoy it again and again in brilliantly colored high resolution!

  • smiddy3

    If humans could do that ,whats the need for elevators in the first place

    Scientist tell us there is enough atomic energy in one finger nail to propell a battleship. The people of the future may carry some of this power with them.

    Maybe the GA writers never considered Ps.146:3 "Do not put your trust in nobles ( scientists ) ....Jesus ? Jehovah ?

  • waton

    For the aviation enthusiasts, that have enjoyed flight, it would have been great just to see one soaring glider depicted in the wt paradise picture, but no, it is all hills and lakefront properties, no level landing strip in sight.

    yet isaiah 40:31 promises that humans will rise with wings like eagles, soaring on slopes and thermals.

    Icarus, eat your heart out. scripture bettered you.

  • Marbles

    "isaiah 40:31 promises that humans will rise with wings like eagles, soaring on slopes and thermals."

    Oh JOY!

    But what does Isaiah say about plane crashes? *crickets*

  • vienne

    Things like this are interesting, but ultimately they persuade no one. What Witness cares what was written fifty or 100 years ago, except to see it as a historical curiosity?

    The Golden Age article cited above is actually in the March 24, 1926, issue starting on page 401. M. J. Adams, the author, starts the article by saying it is 'a fantasy' based on claims by a scientist. He acknowledges that his article is pure speculation and open to objection.

    It is very similar to other science based speculations from that era. If we take things such as this out of context, we weaken our point.

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