History repeated: pre-1975 trend of selling homes to ‘downsize’

by LongHairGal 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • TonusOH

    I was raised in the JWs in the early 70s, and the only thing I knew about 1975 is what the GB said about it. I only recall people repeating the company line: that the WTS had not made any definitive statements about it, and that some JWs simply misread the info and made their own predictions. I didn't see a single mention of what had actually been said until I was out, some 35 years later.

    My mother took the WTS version to heart, even though I am certain that she knew better. But she had joined in the mid-60s, just as the 1975 talk was getting started. I think she was looking for a way out of a life that was not turning out as she had hoped, and so she has clung to that hope for more than 50 years now. She has never stopped reminding me that "the end is near."

  • LV101

    I recall this "pre-1975" WT gig. The study conductor brainwashing my sibling convinced her non-JW older son the 'system' was all ending and he (and who knows how many other JWs/nonJWs) bought brand new vans/vehicles they'd be ending up with for free. I heard of more than a few JWs who sold out and took the circus on the road. I told family member one day it was another greatest lie ever told and the cult wrong again in '75. I'd heard there'd been many end times previously per my mother. She had an aunt who was a JW and up on their shenanigans.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    At a funeral, I heard a brother being praised because he stayed strong even when the promises made for 1975 came and went without any fulfillment. I was wondering what was going on in the head of the speaker and his audience? Was the speaker trying to make a point to the weak?

  • jhine

    Pimoelder you say

    " if the missing link is ever found or if there is ever found a half monkey half human skull then l will jump that side of the fence "

    Does there have to be a fence ?


  • LongHairGal


    The deceased Witness, in all probability, might have been one of those who sold all they had before 1975 so they could pioneer until the End.

    It’s also possible that the speaker was trying to make a ‘point’ to the so-called ‘weak’🙄. If I were sitting there and knew the whole story, the only ‘point’ I would understand is that I’d never repeat the guy’s mistake…

    When the end didn’t come this person had to start all over again and was probably bitter. They didn’t leave the religion for whatever reason (maybe family in)? The speaker either knew the deceased personally or knew about him and figured many people present knew the story so he slipped in his favorable remarks. Whatever.

    The fact is: there are many like the deceased JW…including those younger ones who repeated the same mistakes in recent years!..This was because the 1975 failure was swept under the rug and these embarrassing stories never told so yet more naive people did similar foolish things!

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