What Makes JWs Unique?
by neat blue dog 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Every faith is a unique combination of beliefs and practices, but no faith has unique beliefs or practices as far as I know.
There's nothing that the JWs believe or do that others haven't also followed, it's just a new mashup.
Kind of like how every pub or restaurant chain is different, but you still get chicken wings, so how different are they really?
I'd question the 'no clergy'. Although they don't name it 'clergy' they certainly do have a similar structure up to the pervert loving popes in septic land. The GovBod (piss be on to them).
I'd question the 'class divisions' too. We all know that the unwritten law is that materialistic/wealthy Elders get all the glory and get to have the CO and his COW stay in their luxury gaffs.
The " Remain neutral to Politics" is also questionable when Kingdom Halls were flying ( or displaying) the National Flag in one S.A Country. Admittedly, they were required to do so by law, but I think maybe back in the days of Rutherford perhaps, they would have made a stand against that.
Also " No Money Collections", maybe, strictly speaking, but they certainly "gather" as much money as they can lay their grubby hands on !
I notice in the MEME there is no mention of "unique" Doctrines, which of course it is difficult to claim they are truly unique, but their Blood Doctrine and 1914 Doctrine are pretty unusual in this day and age, they probably don't like to draw attention to those two, as both are easily refuted, and shown to be NOT " Bible based".
· Do you want to be prevented from celebrating Birthdays, Christmas and other celebrations and be told that if you do God will kill you soon?
· Do you want loved ones to die because men in Warwick say you are not allowed a lifesaving Blood Transfusion?
· Do you want to belong to a religion that makes numerous false prophecies about the end of the world?
· Do you want to belong to a religion that hides the identities of paedophiles, won’t report them to the authorities and allows them to still associate with your children?
· Do you want to have ALL your thoughts controlled by men in Warwick U.S.A?
If you answered ‘YES’ to these questions then you should join Jehovah’s Witnesses.
If you are still in doubt please visit - www.silentlambs.org
Please check the Sex Offenders Register before allowing a Jehovah’s Witness into your home.
Great post Punko. Add...do you want to risk loosing your relationship with immediate family members over man-made rules?
Yes...the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is unique in that every doctrine that is unique to the religion is extra-biblical.
In court, elders are considered “clergy”.
Doug Mason
I would have thought that the WTS's "Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses'" would constitute a religious clergy (a Religious "Order"). I understood that the members had to sign a pledge of Obedience and Poverty. From memory, the WTS used this as a defence before the courts.
I wrote the following 12 years ago, so I suspect changes have been made since then. If so, I will appreciate corrections:
a watcher
They are the group of Christians that Jehovah is using to accomplish His will on earth in this time of the end.