Are speeding tickets issused in your area???

by James Mixon 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    I haven't seen anyone stopped for speeding on our freeways in some time.

    WTH it's dangerous out there, I'm driving 69-72 mph and someone pass me at 80-85 mph.

    Here in southern CA it,s crazy. The speed limits are 65-70 mph. I'am nervous as hell when I'am on the

    freeways.I'm sorry you young folks are crazy while driving, don't you realize you can't stop in time if you

    are right on my rear bumper and stop talking on those damn cell phone.

    Ok ,I had a near accident yesterday, the guy almost rear ended me. I feel better now I got that off my chest.

    I will buy a bumper sticker "please get off my ass".

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  • paladin1
    I was told by a family member that In Calgary, Alberta that the police are handing out traffic tickets for even minor charges like a burned out tail light and speeding on any road. Is this due to the drop in oil price or something else?
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    paladin1: Hell here in CA there was guy car that was smoking so bad he slowed up traffic on

    the freeway, no cop around to be seen.

    That's a good idea, "handing out traffic tickets for minor charges". I wonder what the drop in oil

    prices have to do with handing out tickets for minor offenses.

  • baker

    One 20 yr old was going so fast in S Cal that when he crashed, he landed up on the freeway sign. geez

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    baker: that's what I'm talking about, it's nuts...It's a freeway not a speed way...
  • rebelfighter

    James Mixon you should try I95 in VA during the summer on a weekend (not) ! Top speed from about 12 noon on Friday till some where around 10 pm Sunday is 25 mph most of the stopped just simply a parking lot. Traffic remains bumper to bumper. When I moved to Florida my son told his girlfriend I bet it will be awhile before mom gets used to driving on the interstate cause she is so used to avoiding them. LOL

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  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    rebelfighter: LOL. That would work for the wife, she don't drive the freeways.
  • GrreatTeacher

    They drive crazy fast in Maryland. Police do give out tickets but not unless you go 10 miles above the speed limit because otherwise it gets thrown out of court.

    And, they don't give out tickets during rush hour because drivers see the flashing lights of someone being pulled over, slam on their brakes, and rear-end the cars in front of them.

    Traffic is bumper-to-bumper anyhow and giving out tickets just shuts the entire roadway down.

    There are some passive speed cameras in the District, but people know where they are, hit their brakes and then speed up as soon as they pass. Again, more chance for rear-end collisions.

    People are so frustrated from crawling along, that when they get a chance they speed.

    I think it's really a function of the incredibly heavy traffic.

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  • rebelfighter
    Neither does my 24 year old daughter, she finally got her SUV up to 50. Now her bf stole her keys saying have you seen her drive a car? My reply yeap that is why I always drive when we are always together. The really sad part is my gf attempted to teach her to drive, her report back to me after several attempts was some people are destined for public transportation. My gf is head of the regional FBI driver training center. Otherwise my daughter is a dean's list student with the biggest heart.
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  • Phizzy

    Here in my part of the U.K we seem to have stopped having Traffic Police as we called them. People ignore Speed Limits with impunity, jump red lights, tail-gate,and generally drive like arseholes.

    "Anarchy on the Roads" describes it well. I am amazed that there are not more accidents and deaths.


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