It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • TonusOH

    Simon: Was he ever actually "sexually repressed" though?

    More to the point- how would he have behaved if he was allowed to freely express himself sexually?

    (Mind you, that's a rhetorical question. I don't really want to know the answer.)


    If JWBD treatment by Lloyd is a “look into the past” on how Lloyd behaved, I’m absolutely disgusted that he treated the community this way. I can’t express my disgust enough!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Couldn't agree with you more KIM!!

    I'll "smash"" your like button.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Posted 4 hours ago. Jabba the Hutt is going to his grave thinking this is a “criminal lawsuit”.

    Can’t make this shit up. Either he’s exceptionally obtuse in thinking this will bear fruit or he’s desperate about being able to affix a “criminal” label no matter how detached from reality it really is.

    I’d say it’s a combination of both.

    Considering the amount of time that has passed, I wouldn’t be so quick to attribute the court’s inaction solely to the “glacially slow” Croatian court system.

  • AudeSapere

    Just watched the latest JWBeliefsDiscussed video.

    Me v Lloyd Evans, a modern day David v Goliath, The Aftermath. - YouTube


    No way in hell ANYone would mistake a video by Terry as one created by Lloyd 'Work-Shy' Evans.

    Lloyd is delusional.

  • pr0ner

    @LMSA he is just playing the "technical" game. Technically it is a criminal suit that has been requested by him. So until publicly it comes out the government isn't going to pursue he can make that claim. I also think this is where the "dating" a sex worker is coming in. It's my belief he is making that claim so that he could justify that first stupid public statement with the "sex worker or otherwise". He thinks it's really clever but it's just backfiring on him.

  • Ron.W.
  • slimboyfat
    Technically it is a criminal suit that has been requested by him. So until publicly it comes out the government isn't going to pursue he can make that claim.

    In what universe does a request for something equal the creation of that something. If I asked Scarlett Johannson to marry me does that mean we’re engaged until she says no? Why are we pandering to this man’s warped logic? He’s an idiot plain and simple. He’s got away with being an idiot so long he doesn’t even know the difference but that doesn’t mean we need to join him.

  • Phizzy

    That execrable alleged kiddy fiddler has got a very young Asian girl to post friend requests on F.B with his mug in the background. What a Creep !

  • pr0ner

    @slimboyfat ... its a stretch for sure, but if I file a stupid frivolous lawsuit against someone and it's lodged with the court I could technically say I am suing them. Even though the court may reject it out of hand. Like I said he can technically make the claim at least in my opinion that a criminal suit has been filed (thus we are part of a criminal suit) it's just going to make him look really stupid when the government rejects the claim. He's hiding in technicalities not thinking through what happens tomorrow.

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