Did you notice how the girls seemed to be speaking in quasi-American accents? Hard “r” on “barking” and “incorporate”. I gather that Dijana speaks to them in Croatian, and the English is largely learnt from their time with Lloyd. If they are speaking in American accents, it means they are learning English primarily by watching television rather than interacting with their father. One would think that a proud Mancunian would take care to “correct” their young child’s dialect, but he’s probably too busy scrolling to notice.
Hi Lloyd! What are you doing here? Your kids are watching Disney+ and you need to drop them off at mummy’s soon. Focus!
Sorry the infamous Croatian winter is kicking your ass. If it’s any consolation, “Anton” is keeping Mrs Evans quite warm at night. Quite warm. Hot, even.
He also looks awful in that video, like he hasn't slept in ages and that gross turkey neck chin.
That’s the face of someone heavily medicated. Whether he’s back on meds or is self-medicating is anyone’s guess, but there is definitely something going on. The eyes are vacant and it always seems he’s playing the role of a father, at least what he thinks one should act like in front of everyone, but never actually being a genuine one.

He’s never losing this chin. Even if he starves himself, it’ll only turn into jowls.