It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    One complaining about winter in Croatia

    It pans to his daughter (named as Julia) who is on a swing sucking on a pacifier. Little parenting advice here - she will be 5 years old in a couple months - far past the time children should be taken off pacifiers. He's doing her no favours and it will affect the growth of her teeth by making them grow outwards.

  • Toblerone5
    Down to 380. He's lost 8 since the beginning of the month.


  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    And the end of the month is coming up fast where those that locked in for a length of time, have the option of opting out.

  • Toblerone5
    his daughter (named as Julia) who is on a swing sucking on a pacifier.

    Have you seen is latest Instagram video? Where is older daugther ,jessica, trow a Tantrum. She look like she will be exactly like him. Wait till she turn a teenager and she trows those Tantrum then. He won't be laughing this time. That's what I call Karma .😏

  • DerekMoors

    I noticed the tantrum too, she legit rips up the paper he made her. I don't know about Dijana but we all know he's gonna be a shit father (already is). He also looks awful in that video, like he hasn't slept in ages and that gross turkey neck chin. Just disgusting.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Did you notice how the girls seemed to be speaking in quasi-American accents? Hard “r” on “barking” and “incorporate”. I gather that Dijana speaks to them in Croatian, and the English is largely learnt from their time with Lloyd. If they are speaking in American accents, it means they are learning English primarily by watching television rather than interacting with their father. One would think that a proud Mancunian would take care to “correct” their young child’s dialect, but he’s probably too busy scrolling to notice.

    Hi Lloyd! What are you doing here? Your kids are watching Disney+ and you need to drop them off at mummy’s soon. Focus!

    Sorry the infamous Croatian winter is kicking your ass. If it’s any consolation, “Anton” is keeping Mrs Evans quite warm at night. Quite warm. Hot, even.

    He also looks awful in that video, like he hasn't slept in ages and that gross turkey neck chin.

    That’s the face of someone heavily medicated. Whether he’s back on meds or is self-medicating is anyone’s guess, but there is definitely something going on. The eyes are vacant and it always seems he’s playing the role of a father, at least what he thinks one should act like in front of everyone, but never actually being a genuine one.

    He’s never losing this chin. Even if he starves himself, it’ll only turn into jowls.

  • Toblerone5

    Only 4 days left for the PatreOff Pool... If anybody want to change there number there is still time cause ...

    Guess some are piss that he didn't cover the Norway court case. Is CSA video only got 23K .

  • DerekMoors

    Sheesh, looks like 2024 will be the year his chickens finally come home to roost or whatever that phrase. That's 9 he's already lost since the beginning of this month.

    I saw some video that the JWs lost to the Spanish victims...?

    And JW Thoughts put out a video showing the men with beards at Bethel, nice followup to that.

    So there's Norway, Spain, more to the beardgate, and god only knows how much else he's not covering because he's so busy coming up with a long-winded rebuttal to their broadcasting.

    He also last posted on his patreon page January 10, so over 2 weeks ago. Yeah, he really gives two shits about his patrons.

    We'll stick with 370 just to make less work.

  • Toblerone5

    Call of death 2025 ?

    At this point, he better start thinking about Plan B . What I'm I saying .Is plan B is always Begging

  • Debra02

    Where is the videos of his daughter throwing a tantrum

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