Come to that, isn’t it pretty remarkable that, over two years after the scandal broke, he still seems to be unable to find anyone both worthy and willing to share presenting his videos? He probably has fans who are willing to do it, but they are too whack-a-doodle for him to invite onto the show, and nobody he’d consider good enough to do it is interested.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon 3066 Replies latest jw friends
Newly Enlightened
Thank you Athanasius, I got home from town & checked & he had lost more. I saw also that he had 347 on 7-31
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
he still seems to be unable to find anyone both worthy and willing to share presenting his videos
He’s long since checked out of this scene, yet he finds himself in the unenviable position of still having to earn a living from it. He absolutely despises this community and that bubbled to the surface in his “Aftermath” video.
Don’t tell him to get a job. That ship has sailed. It’s over. He’s about to be 45 and hasn’t held a job in over 15 years. The sad and pathetic figure you see on those videos is unfortunately all there is to James Lloyd Evans.
He’s become the fictional one-hit wonder that Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Lodi is written about. The entire song could be written about him, but here’s my favourite:
The man from the magazine
Said I was on my way
Somewhere I lost connections
I ran out of songs to play
I came into town, a one night stand
Looks like my plans fell through
Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again -
Yep. We have been predicting this for a while. He lost the enthusiasm for making videos when most of the people who did the heavy lifting went away. He has lost the enthusiasm for WatchTower content. He wants to do the lazy influencer thing, where he does a few ten-minute stream-of-consciousness rants and gets tens of thousands of dollars a month. He is having trouble hiding his contempt for everyone, including his supporters.
What can his supporters do? If they try to encourage him, they risk getting berated by him. If they dare to reduce their support, he will consider it a betrayal on the level of "what Kim did." The only realistic option is to rip the bandaid off and walk away altogether, knowing that he will never forgive them for it. Just 320-ish more to go.
Back into the 320s.
That would explain his new Youtube community post ...And now after many Begging video ,begging banners, we now have the "begging post" with if you notice , at the end of the page a new site? to give him $$$ .(Revolut ?) So cue the sad music ...
Meanwhile on his Patreon page he posted this...I don't have the full bull💩...I mean "excuses" he wrote to say how so SOWY he his, (but please don't stop sending me 💸💸💸) by the way , is it just me , he probably meant to say it's "Olympic" season instead of the convention ...
Voted videos suspended until SeptemberNew
5 days ago
Hi folks! I'm sorry about the total silence regarding this month's video vote. Partly this was because I went on holiday with my girls earlier in the month (and got a bit distracted!) and partly it's because I've been unsure whether to run a poll given that it's convention season... -
"Thanks so much for all of the ongoing support! If you want to support me even better, here are some links! You're all so great for supporting me! Also, I went on another vacation and that will delay any upcoming content..."
"Give me money so I can keep creating content. Also, thanks for the money and sorry for the lack of content."
He's got a brass neck, you have to give him that.
Oh man, I fuggin' KNEW IT! This grifter went on yet another "Holiday."
I've traveled a good bit in my life, but never the amount that this slob does. Seriously, he's on Holiday every 3 to 4 months? He literally acts like he's part of the Royal Family or something. Every time ya check on the guy, he's on some "Holiday."
Here's a tip:
Less "Holidays" spent abroad, and more time on oral hygiene, grooming, and dressing as an adult.
Any word on his criminal lawsuit against the magnificent seven? I'm sure the court is preparing subpoenas as we speak!