Do we have double standards about JWs?

by Skeptic 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    "What goes around comes around." Or to paraphrase the Bible: "What one sows, one will reap." (Gal. 6:7)

  • Maverick

    I wonder if the the main point has been overlooked about this whole line of reasoning. We 'pick' on the Witnesses because we have been directly impacted on by them. We know them, lived with them, married them, and raised children or were children raised in that sect. We have family members and workers involved with them. This is within our experience to discuss them. And by and large all of our interaction has been negative, so the flavour of our comments will be sour! We help each other, commiserate and listen to each other, sharing the pain and letting each of us know we are not crazy, or mental, or stupid. We validate each others feelings and in turn have our oun feelings validated. It has nothing to do with any 'double standard'. Maverick

  • freedom96

    Not so much a double standard; the witness just claim to be so much better than others. No witness would lie, cheat, or steal, or so they say. The fact that they DO needs to be brought to everyones attention.

    Yes, there are so many people guilty of doing wrong things. But they don't act like they are perfect and Gods only channel to the "truth."

  • cellomould

    By the time I had finished high school, I had made several friends whom I respected at least as much as I respected any JW friend. This trend continued after I enrolled in college and moved away from home.

    I was appointed as a ministerial servant during this time, but my tolerance for diverse viewpoints and lifestyles remained with me.

    Now, I have never been able to tolerate intolerant people. These people are easy to spot and avoid.

    Now here is the problem... the JW organization selectively filters out tolerance, understanding, compassion, etc. So now I see the wisdom in avoiding the group as a whole, saving the tedious effort of identifying the bad seeds.


  • Eyebrow2


    My mother is very true to the teachings...not very much gray areas with the truth as far as she is concerned.

    I was taught to not be rude, to never lie, or to be slutty...and I took it very seriously.

    Yeah...I fell away as a teen before I was baptised pregnant and later came back...but was just as true to it as she was...I was celibate for 8 years...and hey if I can do it any of the other single miserable JW wenches should be able to do it!

    What can I say...I am a hypocrate!

    But also, other religions are usually more supportive of those who have weaknesses. The drug addicted can go to shelters run by have to study to get help from most congregations. It just really ticks me off that the JWs get upset when they are viewed harsher than other religions...when their very religion says they can be viewed harsher, yet still come out shining compared to other religions.

  • Prisca

    I feel that JWs are unfairly held up to higher standards than they should be. Whilst most of us have been hurt by JWs in one way or another, I think that we sometimes forget that they are no less human than we are. Sure, they put themselves up on a pedestal, but many I know are good, caring people, who think that they are serving God. After all, we were all JWs once, didn't we try to do things as best we could. Were we all perfect, or did we make mistakes now and then? Does being an ex-JW make us somehow more superior to JWs? I don't believe we are. Regardless of our religion or culture, we are all humans trying to make the best of what we've got.

  • Vivamus


    Well, personally, I strongly dislike them, and that dislike is mostly based on their "we are superior" act. I'm only judging them by their own standards.

  • dedalus
    Dedalus, I do not think the JW's are the only ones that think this way. I would have to say the same thing about every average pseudo-intellect.

    Pseudo-intellects are not an organized religion thriving on the anticipation of the imminant deaths of billions and billions of people, including children and babies. Witnesses are in just such an organized religion.

    Do you think this difference unimportant?


  • dedalus


    Wow, it sure is good to see you here. I'm going to sent you a private message in just a bit to catch up!

    Have to run right now ...


  • Ghost of Esmeralda
    Ghost of Esmeralda

    i just love that little shocked emoticon lol

    ((((((((dedalus, foxy, little miss dedalus))))))))) can't wait to hear the update.

    my private messaging isn't working on this thing, it won't let me reply so if you can, please e mail me at [email protected], k?



    p.s. thought a lot about this topic last night, and i have realized that i make more allowances for jw's when it comes to their behavior than i do 'normal' folks, just because i feel sorry that they're still mentally chained to the borg. so, if anything, i'm easier on them than i should be!

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