I think it's absolutely disgusting how the Organisation has treated childhood victims of pedophilia and rape. I think their "standards" of requiring two witnesses for belief is absurd. I think how they try and quietly brush things under the rug in the back rooms of kingdom halls is completely despicable. And every time I hear about it - it turns my stomach. Because this is an issue upon which we should all agree - don't rape children - and don't support or protect those who do. How can these elders who run around proclaiming the moral purity of the Watchtower be so naive, heartless, and ethically impotent when it comes to protecting children from being sexually assaulted?
Where is their sense of decency? Where is their humanity?
Over the past month I've been once again asking these questions. But about a very different organisation. Two weeks ago Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan said they believe Roy Moores accusers - they said they "believe the women". I, of course, was glad to hear them say this. Finally, we were seeing some moral backbone from the Republican leadership. But now this week now they've changed their tune saying it's okay to support Roy Moore. And the RNC has pledged to give over a million dollars to the mans campaign by weeks end.
Is this what the RNC has become? They've moved on from saying "We don't believe the victims" to "We just don't care" . . . ?
And the President who ran his campaign on being the "law and order candidate" - has now fully endorsed someone who dated and raped 15 year old girls. Trump is out campaigning for the guy - because, and I quote, "We need his vote".
I'm beyond outraged. I'm, well, numb. Numb in the same way when I hear the Organisation say, "Yeah, we know the guy groped children in the past but we are going to promote him to Ministerial Servant now because we really need help in the Hall." or "Yeah, we know this guy raped that little girl, never faced the consequences because we told her parents not to go to the police, and he never admitted fault or apologized - but we really - really - need Elders right now so we're going to try him out as an Elder."
Such have become the words of McConnell, Ryan, and Trump. They know what Moore did. But they just don't care. They "need the votes".