The Problems of Child Abuse

by Coded Logic 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    I think it's absolutely disgusting how the Organisation has treated childhood victims of pedophilia and rape. I think their "standards" of requiring two witnesses for belief is absurd. I think how they try and quietly brush things under the rug in the back rooms of kingdom halls is completely despicable. And every time I hear about it - it turns my stomach. Because this is an issue upon which we should all agree - don't rape children - and don't support or protect those who do. How can these elders who run around proclaiming the moral purity of the Watchtower be so naive, heartless, and ethically impotent when it comes to protecting children from being sexually assaulted?

    Where is their sense of decency? Where is their humanity?

    Over the past month I've been once again asking these questions. But about a very different organisation. Two weeks ago Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan said they believe Roy Moores accusers - they said they "believe the women". I, of course, was glad to hear them say this. Finally, we were seeing some moral backbone from the Republican leadership. But now this week now they've changed their tune saying it's okay to support Roy Moore. And the RNC has pledged to give over a million dollars to the mans campaign by weeks end.

    Is this what the RNC has become? They've moved on from saying "We don't believe the victims" to "We just don't care" . . . ?

    And the President who ran his campaign on being the "law and order candidate" - has now fully endorsed someone who dated and raped 15 year old girls. Trump is out campaigning for the guy - because, and I quote, "We need his vote".

    I'm beyond outraged. I'm, well, numb. Numb in the same way when I hear the Organisation say, "Yeah, we know the guy groped children in the past but we are going to promote him to Ministerial Servant now because we really need help in the Hall." or "Yeah, we know this guy raped that little girl, never faced the consequences because we told her parents not to go to the police, and he never admitted fault or apologized - but we really - really - need Elders right now so we're going to try him out as an Elder."

    Such have become the words of McConnell, Ryan, and Trump. They know what Moore did. But they just don't care. They "need the votes".

  • Sanchy

    has now fully endorsed someone who dated and raped 15 year old girls

    In all fairness, there are no allegations of rape against him from any 15 year old. Only one of the accusers claims it went beyond kissing to a point where he "guided her hand to touch him over his underwear", but upon complaining he took her home. She was 14 when the alleged incident took place. That would be a felony if true; however, there are legitimate questions regarding some of her claims. The other accusers claim he pursued them romantically while young (16-22 years of age), with no sexual encounters.

    Also worth noting that the age of consent in Alabama is 16

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    "Mr. Moore attacked me when I was a child," Nelson said, adding that she was 15 when he began flirting with her and 16 at the time of the alleged assault. "I want Mr. Moore to know that he no longer has any power over me."
    The allegations of force would be considered sexual abuse in the first degree.
  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    It's not just the 14 year old. It was also the 16 year old. And this was NOT consent:

    "Instead of answering my question, Mr. Moore reached over and began groping me, putting his hands on my breasts. I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and locked it so I could not get out. I tried fighting him off, while yelling at him to stop, but instead of stopping he began squeezing my neck attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face. At some point he gave up. He then looked at me and said, “you are a child. I am the District attorney of Etiwah County. If you tell anyone about this, no one will believe you.”"

  • Sanchy

    This was NOT consent:

    You are right, it is not consent. There was no rape though. It should be properly labeled sexual misconduct or abuse or assault.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    I stand corrected. I should have said, "He dated and sexually assaulted 15 year old girls."

  • flipper

    CODED LOGIC- Excellent thread , you and I feel exactly the same way about this. I've been making that same comparison between the Republicans justifying and making excuses for Roy Moore's child abuse actions the same way the WT leaders make excuses for male JW members child abuse actions- then appoint them to a ministerial servant or elders position years later. It's like - where are the ethics, morals ? I'll tell you where they are- ethics and morals have dissappeared - there ARE no ethics and morals within either of these these two organizations. WT Society is very much like the Republican party and I think it's right on that you're bringing this out in your opening thread. You hit the nail on the head. Time to shout this from the rooftops man. Good job, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • waton

    It is not the wt, or the Republican party, it is the Olympic organisations, democratic Parties, Catholic and non Catholic Churches, Show me one organisation that is not affected by this.

    When this storm is over, at least where it can reach, it will be a better world for children. lessons learned standards changed.

  • Giordano

    If there is a single thing that shows the Society and their followers who and what they really are it is their history of mismanaging their sexual child abuse policy. And in fact making that crime worse.

    There is no way they or any other religion can say they have God's spirit on them if they stand down and allow children to be violated.

  • flipper

    WATON- I agree with you, these child abuse crimes happen all across the world in every organization. It's disgusting. Your statement , " When this storm is over, at least where it can reach, it will be a better world for children . " ?? That would be nice- however I don't see this " storm " and scourge of child abuse ending any time soon. In all societies across this planet men abuse their power in the medical field, religious field, political field, and economic field. The abuse of power and domination of children and women has gone on for centuries , and sadly- I don't see that changing any time soon. There is no such thing as a " paradise " coming to " save the day " .

    What HAS changed in recent years is the ability and courage of abused children and abused women to speak out openly against this abuse on the Internet, on the media, and becoming proactive in efforts to fight against abuse of power and abuse of children. And that's a great thing. Do I think it will change the entire planet ? No. Do I think it will stop abusers of children and women ? No. But it IS a start to opening people's minds up in addressing the corruption and abuse

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