The honorable Mr Reyes, Manitoba minister, man o man, lets his wife, a nurse, shovel out the driveway after her 12 hour shift at the hospital, so she can park her car. Sir. where did you learn such behaviour? could you use some slimming exercise yourself?
the new elected elite
by waton 16 Replies latest social current
I see you still follow the sexual stereotypes of the watchtower organization. Women are fully capable of shovelling the driveway and some of them like doing it. In mr Reyes tweet he mentioned how proud he was of his wife and that he was headed to the kitchen to make her breakfast and there is nothing wrong with that either. How they manage their lives and operate their household is their business.
Didn't make news in US yet, here you go-
I see you still follow the sexual stereotypes of the watchtower organization.
h, sorry, but the role of the man as the heavy lifter, protector, the father of the family predates the wt organisation, which since 1958 has done its best to emasculate the normal male. (drones preferred)
nurses everywhere are nearing burnout, but Mr Reyes, , thinks that his wife after a night's work should shovel some more. before hitting the sack, to be ready for the next of her four night shifts.
of course, like another lady said, "who wants to have a tired man in the bedroom? "
A good example of canada voting along ethnic, rather than ideological, or logical lines. lines.
Wow! It looks like you have a problem with his skin tone. He was born in Winnipeg so he is as Canadian as I am.
I don’t think that he mentioned if she had more shifts or if she was going on days off unless you are privy to that information.
I don’t think that he mentioned if she had more shifts or if she was going on days off.
h, I know the nurses gruelling shifts, whether it is the first, of four, when you must sleep to be ready again for next night, - or the last, when you are really done, having a mate that is not helping out is really bordering on the exploitative, inconsiderate. imho.
I actually really love the slight taint. The name tells me of a mixed origin from the spanish colonial past.
Nurses being a highly intellectually demanding profession, (try to get into the program without an a+ rating).
Men from the region not known to be overachievers. so, yes,
we have obviously different problems.
to each his own.
My understanding is that he is Filipino. And if you want to get into racist stereotypes, as a group they are probably the hardest working people around. His wife is Filipino also, hence the great work ethic.
Mr. Reyes served in the military for 10 years, earned a university degree, owned two businesses and now is a conservative MLA. It is fairly obvious by his accomplishments that he has work ethic and isn’t the lazy exploiter that you believe him to be.
They both should be proud of their accomplishments.
Hoser, thanks for the correction.
I am sorry, my vision was clouded by myself having presently to shovel a layer of a foot of rain soaked snow, helped by my wife btw, , and was emotional about a super able, younger male not springing into instant action at the same prospect happening to his tired spouse. wat on
If it makes you happy Mrs Hoser had the sidewalk neatly shovelled when I got home from work tonight but I had to cook my own damn supper.