The JW Broadcast for March 2020 is a hard push for more baptisms, where Mark Sanctamonious Sanderson makes ready use of the phrase "baptised disciples of Jesus" instead of their typical catch phrase "baptised servants of Jehovah". The "Jesus message" is somewhat unusual rhetoric for Jehovah's Witnesses.
- Why the big push for more baptism?
- Why this shift to a more mainstream evangelical tone of "get baptised for Jesus" instead of their usual "symbolize your dedication to Jehovah"?
Is this push for more baptisms a result to revive slowing Watch Tower momentum? Or is this Christendom-like baptism revival simply proving to be a more effective tactic in attracting well-meaning naive people and quickly hoarding them into the legal contract of baptism while they are still ignorant of Watch Tower corporate evil that loves them?
The broadcast features an interview with "R.P." Johnson, an elderly 4th generation JW who is now a "reassigned" ex-Bethelite still clinging to the stereotypical PIMI JW drone mentality.
"R.P." has always been the classic Watch Tower poster boy, one that definitely drank the Kool-Aid.... another textbook example of what Watch Tower wants to create with anyone naive enough to consent to its corporate baptism.