The Atheist Delusion

by looter 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • looter

    I'm not incorrect in this because it is what I believe and to me you all are wrong for not believing. You see, all people who disbelief God always say there is no evidence. Now it's understood you guys may not be persuaded by the available evidence but you always say that there is no evidence which is untrue. The many accounts of evidence for God is simply to much to list on here. But whatever its form, the bottom line is the same, which is proof that is meant to convince someone of the truth of the matter strongly expressed.

    Never claimed all atheists were emotionally scarred. It was only directed to those who are and you all know who you are. That's what I think the video is trying to convey. Now personally, I think that the entire concept of atheism is a bit of a joke. Even if a god does not exist it exists as a god. But I'm not going to disrespect other peoples beliefs as you all have done to me. Whether he exists or not was not intended to be the topic of this thread but rather peoples thoughts on the video. So don't think this thread is to prove he exists because it's not.

  • OnTheWayOut
    They don’t want God to be true because they don’t want to submit themselves to any authority that would restrict their most cherished freedoms. Those who hold emotional objections to belief have usually been burned by believers and even Christians.

    If your posted video uses that reasoning, there is no point in my viewing it. There are some in these categories, but that is like saying that fat people have glandular problems. Some do, but most need diet and exercise and shouldn't be misdiagnosed that way.

    I will use my own example. I decided that Watchtoeer was a dangerous mind control cult, but figured that God still might be who the Bible said He was.

    The thing is, I already learned how to stop using bias and to examine things properly. So, after learning about Watchtower, I continued to learn about Christianity, Judiasm, the Bible, past and present beliefs about gods and worship. I compared with science.

    So let me lump believers like you into one category: It is very convenient for believers to just say non-believers are mad at God. That way, you can dismiss your cognitive dissonance about how they make valid points.

  • garyneal


    You really don't seem to get it but it is cool because I did not get it either when I was a theist. Let's see if this helps.

    You see, all people who disbelief God always say there is no evidence.

    Let's change some words. I am going to assume you are a Christian, non-witness.

    You see, all people who disbelief that Christ began reigning invisibly in 1914 always say there is no evidence.

    Do you believe in 1914? If not, you are just simply a poor lost soul who needs guidance. Here's another example.

    The many accounts of evidence for God is simply to much to list on here.

    The many accounts of evidence for Allah and His profit Mohammed are simply too much to list on here.

    Do you believe in Allah or his profit Mohammed? If not, you are a poor lost unbeliever who will simply burn in hell for your unbelief.

    Do you get my meaning?

  • cofty
    Even if a god does not exist it exists as a god - Looter

    Wow I'm convinced. Praise Jeebus!

  • Heaven

    Ironically, much of what looter posts is delusional.

  • Caedes
    Now personally, I think that the entire concept of atheism is a bit of a joke.
    But I'm not going to disrespect other peoples beliefs

    Wow, together in one post, now what did Jesus tell you to do in Matthew 5:39?

    If you can provide empirical evidence of god then please do so.

  • DJS

    @Looter: "I like that this video goes to show that the toughest to bring to faith are those with volitional objections. Sometimes individuals will hold on to them so long that it hurts them. They don’t want God to be true because they don’t want to submit themselves to any authority that would restrict their most cherished freedoms."

    Volitional objections? What the fuck does that mean? A 'volitional' atheist is one who arrived at the conclusion that there is no god based on the lack of evidence of said god. They made up their own mind, hence, they acted on their own volition - no one coerced them and they weren't born that way, Gaga.

    It isn't an objection of any kind, Looter. It is a rational, thoughtful, reflective, analytical determination devoid of 'objections' or emotions of any kind. All atheists are volitional atheists, so your comment about the reasons why we are atheists (" (we) don't want god to be true because (we) don't want to submit (ourselves) to any authority that would restrict (our) most cherished freedoms" is targeting every atheist I know and every other atheist on the planet - and there are hundreds of millions of us.

    And it is a lie. The opposite, as I've pointed out, is true; the more religious a person, state, country or region the more likely it is to be dysfunctional. Those are the facts, and they are irrefutable.

    If you can find an atheist not meeting that description give me their contact information. We atheists don't put up with "Those who hold emotional objections to belief have usually been burned by believers and even Christians." Those aren't really atheists (and, Looter, I don't know any atheist that fits that description). And if we find out they are masquerading as atheists we convene a secret meeting of atheists and call the offender in, wherein we take back their Spock ears and refuse to respond to the offender's live long and prosper fist bump. That's pretty much it; we atheists are a humane sort. Oh yes, one more thing. If the apply for reinstatement (of their Spock ears and fist bump), they have to pass a test that includes hooking them up to a Q sensor and then show them pictures of jesus. If they show any emotional reaction they don't get their ears back. Or the fist bump.

  • Caedes
    And if we find out they are masquerading as atheists we convene a secret meeting of atheists and call the offender in, wherein we take back their Spock ears and refuse to respond to the offender's live long and prosper fist bump.

    DJS Shhhh, don't tell everyone they'll all want to come along!

  • looter

    My humble DJS. Lord. Even if you may feel it isn't objection, it still means that you disapprove of God. Don't try to sugarcoat and say that it's just logic at work because it isn't. In my book, that is not acceptable. If you will be so entitled to disbelieve in God at least treat him with some kind of respect. And atheists are actually more likely to be dysfunctional because of their resentful attitude toward theist such as myself.

    A wise man once said, "the age at which most people become atheists indicates that it is almost never an intellectual decision, but an emotional one." Another also spoke "It is widely known that some atheists rejected God in their childhood, based on child like reasons, have not matured beyond these childish notions and thus, maintain childish-emotional reactions toward the idea of God." You see you all don't have the ability to choose for yourselves and you only go along with what others tell you. I know whatever happened to most atheists happened years ago but don't let that rule your life.

  • Caedes

    Looter, still no empirical evidence? I thought in the OP you claimed to have answers to all objections?

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