I was talking to my sister in law the other day about death, and I mentioned something about the afterlife, I don’t remember what I said but it was nothing shocking . But she squealed, “We don’t believe in the afterlife!!” And I reasoned, well we kinda do...life after death is the after life..And she just insisted no no it’s not the same thing. They are all so silly with their ignorance. Same thing with the “rapture”, and the word “doctrine” and “church”. They are all very real things with Jehovah’s Witness, but dirty words. And I don’t think, in my 20 years of being a witness, have I ever heard the word “grace” or Gods grace used in the meeting or publications, so I think that’s an uncomfortable one for them too. Even though it’s right in the Bible. Also the hypocrisy of them saying, “The word trinity is no where in the Bible.” Oh but neither is disfellowshipping, reinstatement, governing body, secret elder manual...hmm oh well
Banned words in the organization
by Addison0998 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wow slimboyfat, that list is so eye opening and scary. Of course we know all these things, but to actually think about it all at once, this is such a cult!
Refer her to this 2007 org publication where the word afterlife is used in ¶ 2, an admittedly rare use in WTS pubs:
It might be fun to watch her reaction, esp. if you portray it as her disagreeing with the org...
Maybe some day they'll change it, like they did with the word religion (1951, I think).
Grace is always undeserved kindness. They work very hard to separate themselves from the churches in general, including in vocabulary. But there are plenty of exceptions: Bible, holy scriptures, Hebrew Bible, progressive revelation, original sin, the inerrant Word of God. You might have some fun with your SIL and these topics.
Oh yes they do believe in an afterlife, whether they know it or not.
Except..the JW afterlife is supposed to be on earth. I was raised Catholic, so this was very obvious to me when I studied with the JWs.
Witnesses try to differ just for the sake of being different. But, in reality, they have just taken bits and pieces from other religions and given it a new name.
Island Man
"Witnesses try to differ just for the sake of being different."
They truly are modern-day Pharisees according to the very meaning of the word!
It is about such practices Jesus said: "You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!"--Mathew 23:24
"Grace" is effectively condemned by JWs, although it is far more beautiful and elegant than their demeaning and awkwardly literal "undeserved kindness".
On a lighter note, evidently the word "lunch" is condemned too. At every assembly I've ever attended, the announcement at the end of the morning session always concludes with "enjoy your noon meal, and we will start again at X o'clock."
I have never heard anyone, anywhere in any context whatsoever utter the phrase "noon meal" other than from the platform at a circuit assembly.
Hell my ex-wife once scolded me for saying "god" too many times in a conversation. "Why do you keep saying 'god?' His name is Jehovah!"
Good thread, Addison.
Here's another banned phrase: independent study.
It's ok if ...
a southern baptist is doing independent study y'all
a mormon is doing independent study
a catholic is doing independent study
an anglican is doing independent study
a muslim is doing independent study
a hindu is doing independent study
a sikh is doing independent study
a jew is doing independent study ...
But heaven help a JW who does independent study!
Those apostates are worthy of gehenna! XD