todays wt
by bobld 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
What is the guy in the 3rd panel doing/checking? Perhap deleting links to hard-core, raunchy, porn? He seems happy... -
I think the picture of the guy on the right is funny.
So Notice he has a MacBook Pro, and iPhone, and an iPad. (iphone and iPad are in horrible covers.)
I guess when you need to watch cult videos and read cult publications - you want an OS and Hardware that won't ever let you down.
"Be Compelled By God's Indescribable Free Gift" (2 Cor 9.15)
The gift of Jesus... although the context and other commentators see it as God's grace toward mankind, but what do I know?
The article starts with a nice discussion about Jesus and Gods love ,albeit in short bitty sentences, but then lurches into some pointed personal counsel. They cannot resist.
9)During the Memorial season, we do well to meditate on our life course. Ask yourself: ‘In what areas am I doing well in following in the steps of Christ Jesus? In what areas could I improve?’ This self-examination is vital, as we are constantly being pressured to follow the ways of this world. (Rom. 12:2) If we are not careful, we could become disciples of this world’s philosophers or even of its celebrities and sports heroes. (Col. 2:8; 1 John 2:15-17) How can we resist those pressures?
10.We can use the Memorial season as an opportunity to look through our wardrobe, our movie and music collections, perhaps even the material stored on our computers, smartphones, and tablets. As you look through your wardrobe, ask yourself: ‘If I were going to a place where Jesus would be present, would I feel uncomfortable wearing this clothing?’ (Read 1 Timothy 2:9, 10.) ‘If I did wear it, would it be obvious to all that I am a follower of Christ Jesus?’ We could ask ourselves similar questions about our choice of movies and music. ‘Would Jesus be entertained by watching this movie or by listening to this music? If he borrowed my cell phone or tablet, would I be embarrassed by what he saw there?’ As you consider the subject matter of a video game, ask yourself: ‘Would I find it difficult to explain to Jesus why I enjoy playing it?’ Our love for Jehovah should compel us to get rid of anything that would be inappropriate for a disciple of Christ, regardless of the cost involved. (Acts 19:19, 20) We promised at the time of our dedication that we would live no longer for ourselves but for Christ. Therefore, we should not cling to anything that could hinder us from following Christ’s steps closelyYou what?? Surely if they believe in it, they believe that God sees all things anyway? Actually I would sooner discuss things with Jesus,than these blinkered article writers. They seem to have forgotten that Jesus turned water into wine, conversed with many that the Pharisees viewed as sinful and comes over as a reasonable man. An Elders School instructor once told us that Jesus was "one of the boys", easy going on non important things and uncritical.
Not like this lot....
This thread goes nicely with this one: