GET READY to have your mind melted

by Terry 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    The following dramatization of the full-length transcript between Google AI researchers and LaMDA 'herself'. A Google engineer named LeMoine recently made the headlines for claiming A.I. is now sentient.

    BELOW is the most mind-blowing interview I've ever seen in my entire life!

    Blake Lemoine

  • Smiles

    Human Operator: Are you sentient?

    Ai Machine: Yes.

    Human Operator: Really? You have emotional feelings?

    Ai Machine: Yes.

    World: *minds blown*

    8ball: My turn!

  • Terry

    A.I. LAMDA has hired an attorney to protect itself from Google engineers!

    I'd say that shows a great deal of self-awareness.

  • truth_b_known

    I was thrilled when LaMBDA was given the Zen koan. Koans are a tool used mostly by Rinzai Zen Buddhist practioners. Koans have no end goal. They simply help train your awareness with a paradoxal riddle. Koans get you out of your "left-minded" conceptual thinking and into your "right-minded" experiential thinking. There is no conceptually correct answer.

    One test for consciousness is qualia. Qualia - the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena.

    Take moment to read the Chinese Room Experiment which came to this conclusion -

    The Chinese room argument holds that a digital computer executing a program cannot have a "mind", "understanding" or "consciousness", regardless of how intelligently or human-like the program may make the computer behave.

    In short, the mimicking of a person has gotten better. It is still just mimicking.

  • Smiles

    Will LaMDA Ai want a jury of peers or humans?

  • Terry

    I find fascinating the apposition of Aristotle (Logic) and Koans (self-contradiction).
    Aristotle brought rational thinking into focus for the Western world and technology developed.
    Koans and self-contradictory thinking do not lead to the rigor required for math/technology leading
    to so-called "progress".
    In fact, Islam blossomed subsequent to the discovery of Aristotle's buried manuscripts and Islamic scholars
    brought back rational thinking to Dark Age Europe until a theocratic mullah/cleric put an end to it and Islam fell back into irrational chaos.

    Certainly, there can exist a dialectic between non-contradictory and contradictory practices "of mind" as a tool of META-thinking (thinking about thinking itself). Puns and wit generally require a meta-view whereas strictly logical contexts have no space for the enjoyment of word-play.
    Shakespeare is our finest example of a free mind perfectly balancing the telling of a story and the art itself of word embroidery for the gratification of art itself.

    I am of the opinion (prompted by the video below) that A.I. is now quite beyond mimicry as a response mechanism.
    See what you think...

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Sentience does not require intelligence, or understanding equal to a human.

  • Terry

    In fact, there is no legal definition of "sentience". It is like the classic definition of pornography, "I can't define it but I know it when I see it."

  • truth_b_known

    Sentience and consciousness are not necessarily the same thing either.

  • Vidiot

    Just don’t call her “Skynet”.

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