TTATT is a process, and it’s going to take time. There are no Short-Cuts.

by John Aquila 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    I talked to a close friend that served with me as an elder for a few years. He allowed me about an hour to explain why 607 is not the correct date for the destruction of ancient Jerusalem. I showed him all the scriptures needed and I showed him the WT magazines that proved it. He told me,

    “Everything you have showed me looks correct, I guess what I need to do is start researching.”

    I saw him again last night and we talked. Finally I asked him if he had researched 607 BC verses 587 BC

    He said, “You know, I need to get my butt in line and start researching. It’s just that I’ve been real busy with all the meetings, field service, I’ve got a couple of Bible studies, work, blah, blah, blah.

    I just haven’t had the time. But I will one of these days and then we will sit down and talk.

    It’s been almost TWO years since we had our first conversation on this subject.

    I realized that learning TTATT is a process, and it takes time. You are not going to be able to say something shocking like, the Royal Commission, child abuse in the organization, all the changes, and they instantly become believers like all those mentioned in the Bible during the Pentecost where Peter spoke and thousands got baptized. In reality, it doesn’t work that way.

    First they are going to have to WANT to Know the truth,

    next, they are going to have to SPEND the TIME researching,

    then they are going to have to go through PAIN of knowing they are in a CULT and have been deceived for years and years and have wasted all that life on a scam.

    I realize now that I can’t wake anyone up. All I can do is get them interested in starting the PROCESS OF LEARNING TTATT.

    If they are persons that Love Truth, they will see the inconsistencies and they will start the process.,With or without my help.

  • SpunkedTeen

    i totally agree with you but at first a lot of them don't want to know the TTATT . The fear the organization has instilled in j-dubs of anything that hints at apostasy, acts as blinders to real truth . I learned that the hard way.

  • DesirousOfChange

    a lot of them don't want to know the TTATT

    And, a lot of them already know a lot of TTATT, they just don't want to disrupt their current lifestyle &/or status. They pacify their CD by telling themselves that they will wait on Jehovah to "fix it" all. Jehovah & CJ are "in control" and they will correct all things at the proper time. Above all else, we need to work with God's Organization. That fixes everything. You just "Wait on Jehovah". And wait. And wait. And wait. . . .

    Many of these to whom I refer may hold positions of responsibility that they enjoy. They get tremendous affirmation by remaining Elders or pioneers or public speakers (esp assembly or convention parts). They see the hypocrisy, but they realize they are part of it and they emotionally benefit from it. Many of them get no respect anywhere else in their mundane lives. But within the Org they are "kings". They are respected. They get to give orders, and as Tevya would say, the downtrodden flock members may "really think they know" all the answers. After all, they are appointed by God.

    You cannot awaken someone who is determined to continue sleeping.


  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Many of these to whom I refer may hold positions of responsibility that they enjoy. They get tremendous affirmation by remaining Elders or pioneers or public speakers (esp assembly or convention parts).

    I don't think it worth it. It's an awful life. They don't realize it's much better out here where you are free to explore anything you want. Plus, if a person really wants to, they can make other friends.

  • LongHairGal


    You are absolutely right that learning the truth about the "Truth" is certainly a process and does take time....This explains why I didn't leave the religion immediately when I learned about the 1995 changed teaching on Generation - instead of finally walking away in 2001. I suppose it was a combination of factors including friends, etc. But..I did start planning in 1995. This is something all potential "faders" need to do.


    I believe as you do that many of the smarter JWs know in their hearts TTATT but won't leave due to friends, business connections and comfort level. They lie to themselves that it will all straighten itself out.

    This is part of the reason I never wanted to go out in service. I felt like an idiot!!!

    I could not, in good conscience, go out and tell the public this nonsense. Some of the beliefs (pure speculation) never sat well with me since day one - and they went in one ear and out the other.....It makes me cringe now that I think about it! I am so glad this is in the past.

  • steve2

    I agree with your OP John.

    It shows lots of compassion and empathy from us for JWs to remember that we did not realize TTATT all at once or as a result of someone seeking us out. For many of us here it took years. Why should it be any different for those still in?

  • Magnum

    First they are going to have to WANT to Know the truth

    I agree. In fact, do you remember the three "H's" that JWs refer to - honesty, humility, and hunger - qualities they say individuals must possess in order to learn and act on "the truth"? Well, ironically, I believe the 3H argument applies to JWs. If they want to know the truth, they have to be honest, humble, and hungry.

    Most are not really hungry for truth. They like what they have. Jesus said to 'keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking.' But JWs don't ask, seek, & knock; many think they've found.

    I do believe as Doc said, that many of them know some TTATT, or at least in the backs of their minds they sense that something is wrong, but they lack humility. They like the positions they have and the glory they receive in JWdom (Doc: "Many of these to whom I refer may hold positions of responsibility that they enjoy").

    Also, many are not really honest. They go around and condemn and try to overturn the teachings of others, but they won't examine their own and brush off evidence provided them that something is wrong with their own religion.

  • Israel Ricky Gonzales
    Israel Ricky Gonzales
    They are in love with the organization, and no one breaks up with someone they are in love with. People will look the other way or overlook many things in the name of love. I've got a lot of feedback from ones who have watch my YouTube videos and have left. But they already had doubts to begin with. You can lead a horse to the water but you can't make it drink.
  • Oubliette

    It’s just that I’ve been real busy with all the meetings, field service, I’ve got a couple of Bible studies, work, blah, blah, blah.

    This is one reason cults keep their members busy with busywork. They don't want them to have time to discover that they are in a cult.

  • stuffwotifink
    I had to bite down on my frustration many times, over this.

    Dubs who listen to what you say and respond with "I've gotta look that up"... But never do. It would be easier to understand and accept, if they looked it up and just swallowed the WT spin - But, no. Many seem to "forget" everything, until next they see you.

    Confused the life out of me.

    As my nana used to say "There's none so blind as them that won't see".

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