Costume dramas at conventions

by AdamCzarnobay 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotFormer

    "Governing body members sign gift Bibles for public officials"

    How far does this tradition go back? They're a whole lot of questions raised in my mind when I see this. When did it start? When did they feel comfortable showing the R&F that they were doing this? Who else do they sign things for? What else do they sign? Do they still do it? Are there more such photos?

  • New day
    New day

    Not former, what jonahstourguide means is that the videos in the 2024 district convention focusing on Jesus were made with Australian actors in the roles, just check out the angel Gabriel's accent in them!

  • scary21

    Sea breeze, had a lot of GOTCHA moments with that article when visiting my JW mom in FL. I told them the pope was doing it ! LMAO Well you how how that went !

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Governing body signing bibles?

    Well they created this entire self adoration didn't they?

    There was a video of Gary Breaux( helper) and GB Sam Herd a few years ago being pretty much worshipped as they entered some reception hall in South America( i believe).

    They had people playing musical instruments,,, almost bending over & worshipping them. The governing body.

    Now we hear all this talk about slamming idolizing people. I just dont get it. Puzzled.

  • NotFormer

    "what jonahstourguide means is that the videos in the 2024 district convention focusing on Jesus were made with Australian actors in the roles, just check out the angel Gabriel's accent in them!"

    What was the reasoning behind having it outsourced to a different branch? Was it Australian Bethel who was responsible for making it? Or did they just get a bunch of Australian people to film it in the American video facility for some unknown reason? The more I find out, the more questions it raises.

  • Journeyman

    Oh how I hated those convention costume dramas! Tiny figures miles away in the middle of a football pitch. The absurd sight of 'props' carried out and placed on the grass. Awful American accents. (Apologies to my cousins across the pond - I simply mean it was anachronistic to sit in a windy stadium in London and have everyone from Abraham to Jesus to God himself talking as if they were making a western - and the characters weren't even played naturally, but with the weird exaggerated speech and diction they used to employ to overemphasise everything!)

    At least now they try to balance out the accents from the English-speaking world. Since they switched to video clips, we have everything from various British accents to Irish, Australian and so on.

    While the cheesy videos are bad, the "live action" dramas were somehow worse. So many in the audience used to rave about when the drama would be on, making sure they got back to their seats before it started. I was the opposite, and always planned to be out of my seat when they began, if I could! One aspect of "old" JW life I definitely DO NOT miss!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Those dress up dramas. Were an opportunity to go sit outside the venue on a park bench.

    Go for a walk out of the stuffy facility for some fresh air.

  • blondie

    Dramas changed over time.

    One per district conventions (held in same venue at different times), different cast, homemade costumes mostly, supposed jws with good standing, right

    Then very fancy sewn professionally costumes, with clothing props like shoewear and weapons. The elite among jws (those with money for costly costumes), took much time away from preaching for rehearsal and lip syncing.

    Then one cast for several conventions. It became a status thing to be chosen.

    Then technology came to be used, for films, only one cast (supposedly more experienced at acting) for all conventions in the US. Not sure how in other countries. So even more an elite group.

    Very few,, current day situations, once again teaching jws to be like the Israelites or not, not like Jesus.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    About circa 2014-15 costume dramas,,, gone gone.....

    I remember one dude had actually rehearsed a part in some drama ,,,,costume drama.,,around that time,,,,,,for the regional convention.....

    much to his shagrin,,, shock,,, surprise all the videos were on videos.... he couldn't believe it. """All that time effort for nothing"" ,, he was lamenting.

  • jonahstourguide

    Hi all,

    They have actually built a set at the branch in Sydney, New South Wales here in Australia and locals are acting with Americans and others that have been brought to Australia for the Jesus series.

    My pimi friends have a close associate of theirs, a tradie that went to help build the set then got a role to play in the series.


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