JWs and Christmas

by Rnadomchris83 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rnadomchris83

    Hello all,

    I have been lurking around here for years. I'm not a witness, but my in-laws are. My wife grew up in it but was never baptized. She told me that when she was getting asked questions about her baptism, something went off in her, and she left. She was pretty much shunned from that point and never went back. This was when she was about 13-14. We have our own belief system now but that is another post.

    I ask as my mother-in-law has tried to convert the oldest kid for years. She is 22. This kid is from a previous marriage, but she is like mine.
    Anyway, her husband came over for the weekly visit last night. She stated that on (JW) TikTok there are talks of them allowing people to celebrate Christmas... Do you all think that will happen? I can't see it... but the way things are going, I'm sure they are trying to get as many people as they can to come into or back to the fold.

    I hate it for my inlaws as they are good people, but whenever we touch any religious subject, it's like the lights turn off, and they go into robot mode.

    Thanks for your input.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    Well, it is hypocritical for them to condemn people who celebrate christmas when they were celebrating it at bethel when they claim to have been selected by Jesus as the only true religion back in 1919. That being said, I don't expect them to change their minds on this anytime soon.
  • Ron.W.

    I sometimes wonder if they did a U turn about Christmas how would they word it, in their unique style of making the publishers look like it was their fault own for NOT celebrating it in the recent past..

    β€œAfter prayerful consideration, the Governing Body has concluded that there is a need to clarify Christmas Celebrations. The Governing Body does not have an issue with brothers celebrating Christmas. Why not? Because the Scriptures do not condemn Christmas.”

  • blondie

    "Even though Christmas is not the real anniversary of our Lord's birth, but more properly the annunciation day or the date of his human begetting (Luke 1:28), nevertheless, since the celebration of our Lord's birth is not a matter of divine appointment or injunction, but merely a tribute of respect to him, it is not necessary for us to quibble particularly about the date. We may as well join with the civilized world in celebrating the grand event on the day which the majority celebrate - "Christmas day."" Zion's Watch Tower 1904 Dec 1 p.364

  • NotFormer

    "Anyway, her husband came over for the weekly visit last night. She stated that on (JW) TikTok there are talks of them allowing people to celebrate Christmas..."

    Suddenly, the possibility that the WT may allow such things makes sense! It allows people like your in-laws to invite estranged or distant family to a family gathering where they can take the hold of the narrative. That makes sense in the broader world, but in America and Canada, Thanksgiving would be the appropriate holiday to commandeer. Bethel could provide the appropriate "discussion" topics at the table and an appropriate form of prayer* before the meal.

    * Not Grace; they don't believe in grace πŸ˜‰

  • Ron.W.


    Great quote - thank you!

    'The Governing Body is NOT SORRY for cancelling Christmas for so many decades. Nor is there a reason to apologise for all the family celebrations you have missed. Be sure to send the Governing Body cards, presents and money from this December onwards.

    We leave this matter in your capable (and gullible) hands brothers'.

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