JUNE 2019 Watchtower: Higher Education - HQ & Bethels are populated with evil, educated folks!

by The Fall Guy 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vidiot

    I remember when the anti-education rhetoric started ramping back up in the 90s, and thinking to myself; "...Jeezus, if they keep this shit up, the Society's gonna end up with a 'Worldwide Body' of morons... "

    I had always been under the impression that the WTS valued intelligence, so it never even occurred to me that a hopelessly ignorant membership might be the actual fucking goal.

  • LongHairGal


    In my opinion, a hopelessly ignorant membership is something they will settle for compared to an intelligent, questioning membership.

    I think there are two reasons they hate college educated people (unless their skills can benefit the religion). The first reason is because education promotes critical thinking. Critical thinking promotes questions and (God forbid) criticism..They cannot tolerate this.

    The second reason I suspect is that college educated people in congregations were able to sound more intelligent when there was an issue with elders..These educated brothers were considered to ‘lack humility’ when getting counsel. (An elder once admitted this to me.)...So, yes, I wonder if sensitive EGO is at the heart of the religion’s knocking and criticizing college.

    It was my observation when I was active in the JW religion that certain people in the congregation were below par in comparison to the rest of the population with regard to basic education, life skills and job prospects. I was appalled..This is not a good thing to brag about.

  • sir82

    The second reason I suspect is that college educated people in congregations were able to sound more intelligent when there was an issue with elders..These educated brothers were considered to ‘lack humility’ when getting counsel.

    Oh no - that's not it.

    It is something far far FAR worse.

    Imagine for a moment you are back to being a dub.

    What is the most horrendous, horrifying, revolting thing an elder could experience?

    Just modify one word from your post:

    These educated brothers sisters were considered to ‘lack humility’ when getting counsel.

    Imagine Brother Window-washer getting shown up by Sister College-Degree.

    The horror! The horror!

  • LongHairGal


    You have a definite point there.

    I was not mistaken in my sixth sense that certain people there wanted to abase me. I was certainly no golden girl by ‘worldly’ standards - but compared to the underachievers in the hall I suppose some morons were intimidated by my self-confidence..I was not raised a Witness and as you realize most people in society expect their children to be able to function on their own. This is what I did no more and no less.

    If any fool Witness had a problem with this that was too bad about them. I’m just so grateful I followed my gut and never listened to these people.

  • Vidiot
    LongHairGal - "...that certain people in the congregation were below par in comparison to the rest of the population with regard to basic education, life skills and job prospects..."

    My Mom's BFF couldn't stand those folks, either.

    She called them the "proudly ignorant".

    LogHairGal - "...I was not mistaken in my sixth sense that certain people there wanted to abase me..."

    Your experiences sound to me like the JW equivalent of the established high school "In Crowd" feeling threatened by the new hot chick. :smirk:

  • amiable atheist
    amiable atheist
    Thankfully, once I realized that being immersed in higher education was damaging my relationship with Jehovah, I knew I had to stop.

    This should read: "Thankfully, once I realized that being immersed in water was damaging my relationship with reality, I knew I had to stop."

  • WillYouDFme

    OMG! First of all - this is all made up, it is NOT a real story. Just like most of the "real life" experinaces

    What challenges did she face? She admits: “Studying for my courses took so much time and effort that I was too busy to linger in prayer to Jehovah

    Really, she couldn't linger? WTF?

    I am ashamed to admit that the education I pursued taught me to be critical of others

    For the millionth time - JW Double Speak - Critical thinking = being critical of others. (what colleges do to you)

    I HATED THAT SO MUCH even as a True Believer!

    Critical thinking is the ability to examine something and weigh it on merritt and evidence, not "BELITTLING" others - AKA Elder the WT and the GB.


  • john.prestor

    It's not so much others they worry about women criticizing, but the men who Lord it over them: Elders, Cos, and most importantly, the Governing Body. Men like that criticize Jehovah's Witnesses all the time, but it's fine for them: do more they say, better preach or you're blood guilty, dont challemge the channel, etc. Just another example of how you can't take much of this organization's writings at face value, there's always a subtext to read into.

  • LongHairGal


    Thanks 😉 Seriously though, the JW religion is pathetic with its below-par people who are, as was mentioned, proudly ignorant.

    Well..I hope all these “proudly ignorant” Witnesses who considered me ‘not spiritual’ because of my full-time job - and made sure I wasn’t invited anywhere — can pay their bills..I have no sympathy, really. I don’t want to know about any of them.

  • Nordic_JW

    Hi everybody,

    my first post to this forum. And this is the subject that a bit confuses me. I', from Nordics and currently live in Southern Europe due my job. I have Master degree by myself and I serve as Ministerial Servant. In Northern Europe brothers have - from my point of view - much more practical stand point to higher education. If someone has abilities to study, why not. In my small English congregation we have an Elder who has Masters as well and in my home country one third of the brothers had Bachelors- or Masters degree from University. One of our elders was a professor in technical area of science and an other one was a lawyer. It wasn't a big deal. Our Co once said from the platform that this is the highest educated cong. he knows and he didn't say it negative way.

    Lately I was surprised when I had a discussion with a sister who moved back to Europe from USA. She told that main reason for that was to give proper education for her kids. In USA brothers are very strongly against University studies - maybe because of different system. You have to live in campus etc. She came with her family back to Europe because of here you don't get special attention when your kids are studying higher degree.

    I've been talking about this subject with several brothers from India, China, Northern- and Central Europe and from South America. All have the similar view point as I have. Higher education is not recommended by society, but everywhere else than in USA and England it's pretty ok. Student's in here don't need to live in campus, education is more or less free and it gives you more secure and easier way of living afterwards.

    I would like to hear from you brothers how you see it from your different backgrounds and cultures.

    I'm already sorry about my very simple English, but I hope you got my point. I think brothers should give more attention to the fact that circumstances are different in different countries and education itself is not bad.



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