Hi everybody,
my first post to this forum. And this is the subject that a bit confuses me. I', from Nordics and currently live in Southern Europe due my job. I have Master degree by myself and I serve as Ministerial Servant. In Northern Europe brothers have - from my point of view - much more practical stand point to higher education. If someone has abilities to study, why not. In my small English congregation we have an Elder who has Masters as well and in my home country one third of the brothers had Bachelors- or Masters degree from University. One of our elders was a professor in technical area of science and an other one was a lawyer. It wasn't a big deal. Our Co once said from the platform that this is the highest educated cong. he knows and he didn't say it negative way.
Lately I was surprised when I had a discussion with a sister who moved back to Europe from USA. She told that main reason for that was to give proper education for her kids. In USA brothers are very strongly against University studies - maybe because of different system. You have to live in campus etc. She came with her family back to Europe because of here you don't get special attention when your kids are studying higher degree.
I've been talking about this subject with several brothers from India, China, Northern- and Central Europe and from South America. All have the similar view point as I have. Higher education is not recommended by society, but everywhere else than in USA and England it's pretty ok. Student's in here don't need to live in campus, education is more or less free and it gives you more secure and easier way of living afterwards.
I would like to hear from you brothers how you see it from your different backgrounds and cultures.
I'm already sorry about my very simple English, but I hope you got my point. I think brothers should give more attention to the fact that circumstances are different in different countries and education itself is not bad.