While doing some research, I stumbled upon a blog written by a former Bethelite. His name is John Bechtel. The blog is several years old. Once I started reading it I couldn't stop. I guess what goes on at Bethel doesn't stay at Bethel. He was one of Bethel's young rising stars and his experiences as a young Witness were both funny and sad. Climbing the ladder at Bethel, he ended up on the Writing Committee. No doubt some of the spiritual food that we received in the 70's, which I assumed were almost like direct dictation from God himself, were written by John. He certainly believed and practiced carpe diem during his stint at Bethel. I found his early childhood experience as a JW to be fascinating because I too had my childhood taken away from me because my mother answered the door one Saturday morning and gave one thin dime to an old 70 year old Witness for the Watchtower and Awake in the late 50's.
I would like to post a link to his blog. Here it is: http://www.johnbechtelblog.com. To start at the beginning of the blog you have to go to the right had side under "Archives July 2009" and go to the bottom of the page. After doing some digging, I was able to find his contact information on another website http://www.greatplainsdrifter.com. It appears John, after leaving the Truthâ„¢, has had a successful life.
I would imagine that there are many on this forum who remember him from Bethel.
Sour Grapes