
by teejay 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    When I finish eating, I usually put my dish in the sink and run water into it. To let it soak. Whether it’s me or someone else who comes back to wash it, I find that the simple act of letting water sit on it for an hour or two makes the cleaning so much easier. Almost effortless. I blame that habit on my mother – the single (and successful) parent of six, very strong-willed kids.


    One of the simplest, oldest known, and most basic of all the substances on Earth.

    I wonder what other substance of that kind might be useful in day-to-day activity.

  • Brummie

    soak your tongue in alcohol after every meal, it works a treat for left over scraps on the teeth

    Brumm ( just kidding I'm a teatotalist by nature)

  • bikerchic

    Another cool tip is to soak pans with burnt on food on the botton with a little automatic dishwashing soap, add water and let sit.............the "stuff" lifts out! Incredible! No more scouring!

    Katie (of the burn offering class)


    I do similarly.

    I always place a plastic tub within one of my double sinks.

    I place the bowls, plates and other dubiously crusted objects in the other sink, place water in them, with a bit of soap, and let them sit.

    The other dishes, I fill up the tub with hot water, and add anti-bacterial dish soap. I let them sit for awhile, then tackle them.

    I always rinse my dishes, as I hate the taste of soap on plates/bowls/utensils. I like my glasses to be squeaky clean, no smudges. If I see one fingerprint or smudge, I start to growl, and back into the sink it goes.

    Good practice, and the solution of water is as simple as a pimple. Works wonders doesn't it?

  • Gopher

    The unique chemical combination forming water and its versatility prove the existence of a Creator who cares for us. And soon all people who abuse water, who fail to appreciate it, and who don't use it in harmony with the Creator's will will be "washed away" from this earth and only those remaining will enjoy water in a wonderful upcoming paradise.

    -- What the Awake! magazine might say about H20

  • teejay


  • Abaddon
    I wonder what other substance of that kind might be useful in day-to-day activity.

    Oxygen is quite handy.

  • happyout

    Another cool tip is to soak pans with burnt on food on the botton with a little automatic dishwashing soap, add water and let sit.............the "stuff" lifts out! Incredible! No more scouring!

    I have found that if you actually let these pots and pans come to a boil with the soapy water in them, it makes it even easier to clean.


    of the I burn things, too, class

  • Ravyn

    More on water:

    Water is also one of the four basic elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth(or metal and wood if you are chinese) ) so in this context water has a 'living' quality(not sentient--but living).

    Water of Life, Living Waters, Fountain of Youth, Water into Wine(which is symbolically Life to Death since wine is fermented which is the process of dying...hmmmmm) you get the idea.

    So for so many things in our lives water is more than a mere hydrating or cleaning fluid. Maybe it is not worthy of 'worship' but it is certainly important to human, plant and animal life, health and continued existence.

    Next time you read a recommendation to drink your 8 glasses a day--take it seriously! Don't 'flavor' it or sweeten it(misses the point of rehydration since even trace amounts of food substances require many times their quantity to process in the digestive track---in other words, it takes more water to digest one can of soda than you get in one can of soda, so it defeats the purpose of thirst quenching!) I find it easiest to consume my 8 glasses aday if I drink my first glass right away as soon as I get up--before a dehydrating shower, then one glass before and one glass after a meal and the last glass an hour before bed. The water before and after a meal cuts down on the appetite and allows enough to process the meal and still hydrate the body. I allow 2 additional drinks during the day---maybe soda or juice with the meal, and two cups of coffee or tea, and try to have soup a few times a week. anything else is extra and if i drink too many more fluids than the above--I add another glass of water to digest it(especially milk or alcohol).

    check out this site:


    it is claimed that we are 75% water when we are born and only 50% when we die...perhaps water IS the key to eternal life?


  • funkyderek
    it is claimed that we are 75% water when we are born and only 50% when we die...perhaps water IS the key to eternal life?

    It might be claimed (passive voice) but it's demonstrably untrue.

    watercure.com is obviously a scam. I wondered first how he made money when his "miracle cure" is water, but he has quite a comprehensive product range. See http://www.watercure.com/products.htm

    The site itself looks so much like that of any other snake-oil salesmen, but if his bizarre claim that all disease is really "deep dehydration" doesn't set off alarm-bells then this should: http://www.quackwatch.org/11Ind/batman.html

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