Smoking gun GB can’t get out of this one

by Mikejw 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iloowy.goowy

    Until such a time that reliable scientific proof is provided all these fear mongering antivax conspiracy bullsh!t theories remain just that.

    And one can only feel sad that people fall for this idiotic sort of nonsense.

    I follow several and not one sports player has died from a blood clot caused by a vaccine in any professional team I know of. There have been a lot of people getting Covid even after being vaccinated but only mild to light symptoms from what I have seen and read.

    Fear mongering doesn't do anyone any good, it just makes simpletons out of those who swallow such lies and nasty people of those who knowing better spread lies.

  • Smiles

    Placebo was randomized into the jab lots. That is standard procedure for experimental pharmaceuticals, and is also why a person may experience neither risk nor benefit.

    The CV19 "vaccine" was, by definition, an experimental pharmaceutical, and could be administered on a massive scale only by way of emergency authorisation which temporarily relaxed standard research & development safety protocols for experimental pharma. In 2005, revisions to the legal framework of International Health Regulations pertaining to phases of a "pandemic" were enacted which were later cited during CV19 to justify declaring a state of emergency and introduction of the jab.

    The general public itself, once accepting injection, unknowingly became the safety trial of an emergency experimental use project.

    Under normal circumstances, experimentations should PRECEDE introduction of pharma to the public masses. Safety trials (animal/human) require years of analysis. CV19 jabs lack such a proven performance record.

    WT may never acknowlege liability for its mass endorsement of what is slowly becoming recognised as a broadly harmful experimental pharmaceutical.

    Only if a sizeable number of jabbed WT elites and their wives mysteriously fall ill or drop dead (which they probably won't) might we ever see some sort of cunning backpedaling act from WT corporate.

    WT spinsters will likely claim: 'we always said it is a personal decision, and regardless of our strongly slanted policies, ultimately YOU made the personal decision to bare skin for the needle.'

  • enoughisenough

    smiles Only if a sizeable number of jabbed WT elites and their wives mysteriously fall ill or drop dead (which they probably won't) might we ever see some sort of cunning backpedaling act from WT corporate.

    Since they were highly promoting it and also got it into branches around the world, it is quite possible they were given the placebos. From what I watched, the bottles were coded and some batches more deadly/ harmful than others.

    For those who are doing ok after getting the jabs, be thankful you didn't get a deadly dose. They murdered my sister.

  • Smiles


    Was your sister a PIMI JW ?

    *For any curious about batch data:

  • enoughisenough

    my sister wasn't a witness. Her husband's health has never been the same and he says he won't take anymore.

  • Smiles

    enough IS enough

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Here we go again- more baseless claims about people 'suddenly' dying.

    Heres an idea: Do some research that goes beyond the first opinion you come across.

    People have been dying forever while playing sports- It happens regularly and it is nothing new. Amateur, college, kids or professional. All ages.

    Usually heatstroke, undiagnosed heart disorders or obesity are the main causes. Read some articles from before covid was around.

    If the covid vaccine was the deadly killer that the tin-foil hat gang say it is, we would literally be seeing people all around us dropping dead in the streets. It just isnt happening.

  • ozziepost

    What is it with society these days, and especially in the good old US of A?

    conspiracy theory seems to be ‘de riguer’.

    I feel sorry for the next (overlapping) generation.

    Oh well , Cheers 🍷

  • Mikejw

    There are a lot of videos out there showing the vaccinated sports stars dropping."

    Can you provide an example of, maybe not all, but a large number of vacc'd sports stars dropping? The only sport I really follow is Major League Baseball, and I haven't seen even a small number of them 'dropping.'

    Also, what do you mean by 'dropping' - are they dying or just getting very sick and can't play? I've seen examples of several players testing positive to covid and they have to quarantine (I think it's for 10 days), but of those who test positive very, very few showed any symptoms at all. Would you say they have 'dropped' because they had to quarantine?


    I personally follow UK football and occasionally a player would collapse with cardiac issues, maybe a few per year but it was a shock and a big event. This is going back decades.

    since the second jab, and then especially the third shot the numbers are going through the roof.

    there is a saying now - “flies are dropping like vaccinated footballers”

    look at all other sports and look how many players were collapsing from blood clot heart issues every year for last few decades. Now compare to after the second and third clot shots?

  • Mikejw

    Only if a sizeable number of jabbed WT elites and their wives mysteriously fall ill or drop dead (which they probably won't) might we ever see some sort of cunning backpedaling act from WT corporate”

    SMILES, I can confirm in London Bethel and surrounding congregations most of the older ones were killed off by these clot shots.

    The Bethel infirmary population has been drastically reduced by the clot shots. Even some younger ones in Bethel were killed by it like the Irish brother Patrick who was on the service desk.

    Of course there is no proof it was the shot and apologists for big pharma will say “they were old and would have died anyway”

    one lovely old sister in a cong near to Bethel just died from blood clot heart issues and her son openly told everyone it was her last booster that finished her off.

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