They just df a 14 year old girl last week at my hall.
THATS INSANE! GET BAPTIZED WHEN YOUR YOUNG IS CRAZY!! I HATE TONY MORRIS!It has been 100% established that until the human brain finishes development, what we see as Teen High Risk behavior is just going to happen. No amount of praying or meetings will change the way a teen brain works.Though teens understand the risk involved with some action (like sex) as an adult would, their thinking of the reward is way way higher than and adult. Thats one of the reasons kids do stuff that doesn't make sense.Its like condemning someone who is 5ft for not being able to Dunk a Basketball!!
So if god is suposed to help you to not be tempted beyond what you can handle, why are so many being DFed?
Is he taking a break? Where was he for this girl?
Oh I see - if you dont sin - god helped you - if you do sin - you didn't let god help you.