I have been thinking about the Legal Departments that look after the WTS interests around the world.I can`t believe these Legal Eagles offer their services on a voluntary basis like the R&F do.And I don`t believe their services would come cheap.
As an organization the size of JW.Org and its offshoots of Companys and interests around the world ,the cost of keeping them gainfully employed must amount to a considerable sum of money.
Especially the law Suits against them with child abuse court cases that arise on a regular basis ,and the Government Inquiry`s into the JW religion that is happening in different countries now.
All paid for by the voluntary contributions that come from the R&F for the worldwide preaching work .
Contributions to pay for the WT organization`s Legal Department to defend themselves in court ?
Did Jesus and the Apostles pay lawyers to defend them in a court of Law with funds donated by their supporters ?