Removing GB arragment.

by asp59 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • asp59
    You think they abouth to remove GB arragment? More and more with GB talks, they seem to be saying goodbye to congregations. Maeby its part of downsize. Don't know if there not gonna be any 'anoited' in GB. Or they removing it all.
  • Gorb

    They are TV host now.


  • alanv

    The governing body are here to stay Im sure. They love all the attention they get, and JWs completely buy into the arrangement. I think more congregations will share halls even if it means the members have to travel further. But i cant see them ever getting rid of the majority of halls as they are such brilliant cash cows for the org. Why stop building them with free labour, then selling them on in a few years for a huge profit?

  • keinlezard


    They can't ... because all directive comes from GB ... even "CEO" of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is JW and obeys to GB instruction.

    I think they only act to avoir judicial consequences of "pedophile act" they made throught "secret elder book"

    The GB will say "we have no authority see .. we are just Guardian of Doctrine, that's all" ... but in reality they tell to all the jw what they can do every day, and in every situation ...

    They are the real leaders of the WT, all the others are only puppets

    .. But leaders who do not seem to have any decision-making power just to avoid the judicial consequences of their own laws
    Best regards
  • nowwhat?

    The gb are the figureheads, the face, they are the equivalent of the Catholic pope to the organization

    Whether they are just puppets are another matter. It used to be "the society" says... Now it's the "gb have approved..."" the r&f look to them for answers. Not the bible. So why would they get rid of them

  • FFGhost

    The system works well for their purposes. The GB (and their assistants and spouses) enjoy power, prestige, and a millionaire lifestyle (though not millionaires per se). They are adored, revered, and people fall all over themselves to give them costly gifts.

    They are, effectively, the board of directors of the equivalent of a Fortune 500 company - which, by the way, pays $000 in taxes.

    Why would they voluntarily give that up?

  • hybridous
    • The gb are the figureheads, the face, they are the equivalent of the Catholic pope to the organization
      Whether they are just puppets are another matter. It used to be "the society" says... Now it's the "gb have approved..."" the r&f look to them for answers. Not the bible. So why would they get rid of them

      This is an astute observation and good comment. It explain why any of these GB bozos are interchangeable - should anyone think about stepping out of line...they know the ORG will have a replacement POPE-figure on deck by the EOB on that day.

      Also, these frauds provide great coverage and liability shield for whoever is really setting policy and making organizational decisions.

      Think about it...

      They don't OWN anything. They don't control the organizational assets. Yet, they somehow 'control' it all?

      Nahh...they're salesmen. Selling the 'God's Organization' myth to whatever gullible JWs are still too entrenched and can't/won't wake up to the scam being played...

  • punkofnice
    alanv - The governing body are here to stay I'm sure. They love all the attention they get

    Pretty much how I see it.

    They love the booze and rock star luxury. Like George Carlin said of Politicians, same for religious leaders - It's a big club...and you ain't in it!

  • Overrated

    GB doing away with it's self? Fat chance! They would get rid of halls to keep their high positions.

  • Justaguy

    The first rule of power is that those who have it will do anything to keep it

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