Thank you to John Redwood for making this available so quickly
Taped Broadcast of March 10, 2017 ARC hearing - youtube
by OrphanCrow 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
It would have been so easy for the JWs.
Just make it a policy that if there is an allegation of sex it to the freakin' police!
WTS Archive
If anyone wishes to download the hearings in a bit higher quality for further processing, they can be found here in 720p:
JW GoneBad
Boy...if I were a JW living in Australia...I'd go find me a rock to crawl under! :) :)
Full #arc54 YouTube Playlist:
Full #arc54 YouTube Playlist:Thanks for the link - but what I can see - it's not the complete (full) playlist.
I'am missing part 4 at 2:00 PM. Here in europe this part came live at 4:00 AM and I was tired and looked only the first 3 parts live.
under the radar
Many thanks to wifibandit and WTS Archive for posting these links.
Anybody watching these hearings with an open mind will clearly see that Watchtower has made absolutely no substantive changes in the way they handle allegations of child abuse. Oh sure, a minor may not have to personally face their abuser now, and they can even have a woman (gasp!) present for moral support during questioning. But the policy remains that no woman can exercise any authority in the investigative process and certainly not in the judicial process.
Spinks and O'Brien dodged every direct question with mumbo jumbo and doublespeak, all the while doing their best to appear cooperative and humble, if not downright obsequious. I haven't seen this much tap dancing since the last Fred Astaire movie. (Of course, Fred was much better at it.) Those two Watchtower stooges (meant in the sense of being a shill or a puppet totally controlled by someone else) just couldn't bring themselves to give a straight answer. They insisted on dancing around every point until Mr. Stewart was finally able to drag an answer out of them.
On the most important points, they gave disingenuous and misleading, even downright deceptive, responses. For example, when asked about why abuse victims who feel compelled to disassociate themselves must be shunned by all faithful Witnesses, they tried to deflect the question by saying that Watchtower has never said that abuse victims should be shunned. They missed the point, on purpose. They refused to acknowledge that some could be so traumatized by the organization's handling of their case that they might conclude the only way to protect themselves going forward would be to formally leave the organization. They refused to admit that a victim in this situation should be allowed to formally withdraw from the organization without having to lose all their JW family and friends. They continued to deny that Watchtower is essentially a captive organization, that there is no honorable way to leave and no way to leave at all without dire consequences.
I thought Spinks and O'Brien were mealy-mouthed and nonresponsive throughout. I don't think their testimony will serve the Watchtower well in the end. It's clear to me that the Commission sees right through their duplicitous and evasive responses and is just waiting to drop the hammer once the formalities are done. I hope Watchtower pays a heavy price and is forced to finally change their ways and do things the way every decent organization is already doing.
Richard Oliver
Under the Radar are you saying that you watched the proceedings with an open mind and with no bias?
Being bias is human nature. We all have biases based on our experience with a situation. It is accepting that we have biases that is the key part in life.
According to Mr Angus in this video, the age of consent for sex in Australia for both gay and hetero (without getting into details) is age 16. Shouldn't that be wrong at such a young age?