My latest letter to the WT organization

by Kosonen 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kosonen

    Here are statistics about the size of world's population since 1700.

    In 1800 there was only 1 billion in the world.

    1950 there was about 2.5 billion in the world. But after that the population growth was very rapid until recent years.

    Now it is about 8 billion.

  • Kosonen

    These numbers contradict that Satan was thrown down to earth about 100 years ago. Because it is as if the woes halted with the end of Second world war. Everything just got better since then.

    Revelation 12:12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”

    But with all the talks about a Third World War, maybe it is about this time Satan and demons are throw down to earth.

  • Kosonen

    Here are statistics about the life expectancy increased from about 50 years in 1900 to 80 years now in USA. This surely mirrors large parts of todays world.

  • ScenicViewer

    Kosonen, you said,

    "If it is God’s will, I am sure they will read it."

    Since when does Watchtower have anything to do with "God's will"?

    They read what they want, and they will have nothing to do with apostates, and very quickly you would be detected to be an apostate simply because you disagree with Watchtower and the FDS. Making sense is never an issue with Watchtower.

    Plus, it us WAY too long. I likely agree with some of what you said but I didn't come close to finishing it.

  • ThomasMore

    Kosenen, if writing to WTC’s GB was therapeutic, I am happy for you. However, if you feel that WTC can be reformed, you might co sider that “that wich is crooked cannot be made straight”.

    in context, it means that things that were never legitimate can never become legitimate by divine coercion. God will not reform that which is irreformable.

    i admire your sincere zeal nevertheless.

  • WingCommander

    LOL!!!! I'm not wasting my time reading this wall of text, and I can garun-damn-tee you the Governing Body aren't either. This goes right into the trash can upon arrival at WT HQ.

    You think these arrogant pricks give 2 shits about what YOU think? You're about as delusional as they are. lol

  • Rattigan350

    That was a pointless letter. It was just ridiculing them.

    "Brothers are wondering: Where is the proclamation of “Peace and Security”? "

    There will be no proclamation of peace and security. You could have explained to them why. But you don't know.


    I think Kosonen is the ''new'' Robert (Watchman) King. He thinks that he understands and can translate the ''deeper understandings of the Bible.'' Once you take off your ''rose colored'' glasses, you will understand that the Bible is nothing but fictional stories. Research the fictional story of Noah and the flood (where God saves only his family and wipes out all creation because of wickedness...only for wickedness to return 0ne thousand fold)

  • PetrW

    I also think your letter (Kosonen) was more to the point of how to deal with the theological debacle of the JWs, somehow personally.

    Rather, the question must be asked: under what circumstances would a protest/rebellion/revolution against the JWs be successful?

    A frontal attack by an individual against a globally operating organization has no chance of success unless that individual - either alone or with the help of others - has sufficient resources to wage the struggle. If an individual had, say, a few billion dollars to spend on a media campaign where he could use the internet, TV, radio or newspapers to conduct propaganda against the JWs, and at the same time create an alternative for the "renegade" JW leadership (i.e. convert especially prominent JW members to his side), then there would certainly be some result. The assumption of course is that you use the whole repertoire: from truth, to disinformation, to lies and corruption. The goal of the financial and psychological operation, is to get a "Judas" or several Judases...this is a proven method, but as I say, it costs more than 30 pieces of silver today, because you are not catching some lone leader, but fighting a globally operating church.

    The above is a rather hypothetical case. It has several variations, but basically it's still all about money.

    A less financially demanding method is when the one who criticizes the church comes up with some attractive, phenomenal idea that forces the masses and the church leadership to respond in some way. This is the method: the "religious reformer". John the Baptist, Francis of Assisi, John Huss, Martin Luther...

    Honestly, it's as unlikely a method as using gigantic amounts of money. But still, that's where I see the most potential. Example: suppose someone manages to solve the mystery of, say, the 70 weeks of Daniel. And this, of course, by answering without exhaustion the various interpretations that are available for about 2000 years. Because just because I think something and start expanding on it doesn't mean it's the right solution. We're really talking about unraveling some widely known biblical mystery where there are several competing views. It's not just a demonstration of ignorance...

    This interpretation would become so widely respected that WT would have to respond with an article of some sort. The members themselves would question whether it is true. At the same time, they would question how it is possible that someone else knows this (e.g. 70 weeks) and the JWs leadership knows nothing about it. The JW leadership would have to get on the defensive. The failure would have to be so obvious that it would be difficult to lie their way out of it. I don't need to describe it, everyone probably knows what would happen.

    However, the "religious reformer" method has a very high bar. It really means extensive research on a topic that must be acceptable to the widest range of people. Something in the quality of the greatest human discoveries and inventions. Copernicus, Newton, Einstein...alcohol distillation 😊, the steam engine, penicillin...

    The abbreviation of the method "religious reformer" is only theological: the person in question gets the proper information directly from God. These people then usually raise 3 or 4 day old corpses, heal the blind, the deaf, etc. etc. So even this path is not entirely easy, although it is seemingly the quickest.

    I can't think of any other solutions...but maybe I'm forgetting something?

  • Kosonen

    Thanks ThomasMore for your kind words. You are right that the WT organization can't be corrected. Like Jesus said, you can't put new wine in old wineskins. So the brotherhood of Jehovah's witnesses need to be set free from the WT organization and all elders to loose their role as shepherds.

    I actually belive this is going to happen, according to a couple of prophecies in the Bible and it does not look to be so far away.

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